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Setup development issues #8

Closed Pokemod97 closed 6 years ago

Pokemod97 commented 6 years ago

Cmake version. llvm-5 and lld-5 is also needed

roblabla commented 6 years ago

And lz4

roblabla commented 6 years ago

Also I removed mephisto, because I got lazy. Need to do a full section on it.

Pokemod97 commented 6 years ago


roblabla commented 6 years ago

Python/Pip also need to be installed. Along with

roblabla commented 6 years ago

Also need to talk about Ace Loader's STDIO setup (using ncat -kl 2991). And I didn't mention how to install ncat (but well, it's just sudo apt-get install ncat. surely people can get that).

blockfeed commented 6 years ago

For xenial users -

Install (qualification branch)

To retrieve the archive signature: wget -O -|sudo apt-key add - # Fingerprint: 6084 F3CF 814B 57C1 CF12 EFD5 15CF 4D18 AF4F 7421

blockfeed commented 6 years ago

more xenial notes as far as requirements.txt: package is named python-pyelftools

xenial lz4 is bunk, you need the pip version: sudo apt-get remove python-lz4 sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo pip install lz4

blockfeed commented 6 years ago

additional xenial notes: git clone --recursive cd libtransistor/ git checkout graphics-experimental-fs git submodule update make LLVM_POSTFIX=-5.0

Dastano commented 6 years ago

From my review yesterday, as you guys helped me I think this is it:

Git sudo apt-get install git

NodeJS sudo apt-get install curl curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs sudo apt-get install build-essential

Pythong-Pip sudo apt-get install python-pip

Python Module pip install lz4 pip install pyelftools

Clang / llvm / lld (I hope it include LLVM) apt-get install clang-5.0 lldb-5.0 lld-5.0 llvm-5.0

Cmake sudo apt-get install cmake

Netcat for the ACE_LOADER sudo apt-get install netcat

For Ubuntu Users the Switch fix: (Unable to bind on Port 53)

sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service sudo service systemd-resolved stop

Put the following line in the [main] section of your /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf: dns=default

Delete the symlink /etc/resolv.conf rm /etc/resolv.conf

Restart network-manager sudo service network-manager restart

roblabla commented 6 years ago

ace_loader.nro -> ace.nro

roblabla commented 6 years ago

Most of those were fixed. I'll make separate issues for the remaining things.