RetireJS / retire.js

scanner detecting the use of JavaScript libraries with known vulnerabilities. Can also generate an SBOM of the libraries it finds.
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--outputformat json flag doesn't seem to work #421

Closed Harika19 closed 9 months ago

Harika19 commented 9 months ago

I tried executing below command retire --outputpath report1.json --outputformat=json --jspath /Users/plakshmi/Graph-ql/gqlsamplenodeweb

But it is not appending any scan results to json file. When I remove --outputformat=json option, then it is appending scan results as text. How can I fix this/ is there any way to get result in json format.

eoftedal commented 9 months ago

Did you delete the template text for the bug report or were you not presented with it?

eoftedal commented 9 months ago

I'm asking because now I have to ask the questions from that template, like which version of retire is this, what node.js version is this etc.

Harika19 commented 9 months ago

retire.js v4.3.3 node version - v16.20.0

So when i ran retire --outputpath report1.json --jspath /Users/plakshmi/Graph-ql/gqlsamplenodeweb, i was able to see results in report1.json in form of text.

When i tried running same command having --outputformat=json option from scratch , deleting report1.json which is created as part of above command , report1.json looks empty -> no results are being added.

eoftedal commented 9 months ago

Seems there is a problem with --jspath not being honoured. Can you try to test with --path instead of --jspath ?

eoftedal commented 9 months ago
$ retire --outputpath out.json --outputformat json
$ cat out.json
Harika19 commented 9 months ago


It didn't add vulnerability results to data or the messages array.

eoftedal commented 9 months ago

Struggling to reproduce this:

FROM node:alpine
RUN npm install -g retire
WORKDIR /app/data
RUN wget
RUN retire --outputformat json --outputpath report1.json --jspath /app/ || echo "Ingore error code to allow build to complete"
RUN cat report1.json

docker build -t demo . --progress=plain

#9 [6/7] RUN retire --outputformat json --outputpath report1.json --jspath /app/ || echo "Ingore error code to allow build to complete"
#9 0.372 Ingore error code to allow build to complete
#9 DONE 0.4s

#10 [7/7] RUN cat report1.json
#10 0.124 {"version":"4.3.4","start":"2023-10-11T09:57:00.496Z","data":[{"file":"/app/data/jquery-1.12.4.js","results":[{"version":"1.12.4","component":"jquery","npmname":"jquery","detection":"filename","vulnerabilities":[{"info":["","","",""],"below":"3.0.0-beta1","atOrAbove":"1.12.3","severity":"medium","identifiers":{"issue":"2432","summary":"3rd party CORS request may execute","CVE":["CVE-2015-9251"],"githubID":"GHSA-rmxg-73gg-4p98"}},{"info":["","",""],"below":"3.4.0","atOrAbove":"1.1.4","severity":"medium","identifiers":{"CVE":["CVE-2019-11358"],"PR":"4333","summary":"jQuery before 3.4.0, as used in Drupal, Backdrop CMS, and other products, mishandles jQuery.extend(true, {}, ...) because of Object.prototype pollution","githubID":"GHSA-6c3j-c64m-qhgq"}},{"info":[""],"below":"3.5.0","atOrAbove":"1.2.0","severity":"medium","identifiers":{"CVE":["CVE-2020-11022"],"issue":"4642","summary":"Regex in its jQuery.htmlPrefilter sometimes may introduce XSS","githubID":"GHSA-gxr4-xjj5-5px2"}},{"info":[""],"below":"3.5.0","atOrAbove":"1.0.3","severity":"medium","identifiers":{"CVE":["CVE-2020-11023","CVE-2020-23064"],"issue":"4647","summary":"passing HTML containing <option> elements from untrusted sources - even after sanitizing it - to one of jQuery's DOM manipulation methods (i.e. .html(), .append(), and others) may execute untrusted code.","githubID":"GHSA-jpcq-cgw6-v4j6"}},{"info":[""],"below":"2.999.999","severity":"low","identifiers":{"retid":"73","summary":"jQuery 1.x and 2.x are End-of-Life and no longer receiving security updates"}}]}]}],"messages":[],"errors":[],"time":0.071}
#10 DONE 0.1s
eoftedal commented 9 months ago

Can you try adding -v and see if you get any more data? Or try with a simpler sample where you can post the data you get from the txt output and the json output?

Harika19 commented 9 months ago

Below is the output generated without json flag

retire.js v4.3.3 Loading from cache: /Users/plakshmi/paypal/CDNx/ResourceDeploy/bizcomponents/jquery-1.11.1.min.js ↳ jquery 1.11.1 jquery 1.11.1 has known vulnerabilities: severity: medium; issue: 2432, summary: 3rd party CORS request may execute, CVE: CVE-2015-9251, githubID: GHSA-rmxg-73gg-4p98; severity: medium; CVE: CVE-2019-11358, PR: 4333, summary: jQuery before 3.4.0, as used in Drupal, Backdrop CMS, and other products, mishandles jQuery.extend(true, {}, ...) because of Object.prototype pollution, githubID: GHSA-6c3j-c64m-qhgq; severity: medium; CVE: CVE-2020-11022, issue: 4642, summary: Regex in its jQuery.htmlPrefilter sometimes may introduce XSS, githubID: GHSA-gxr4-xjj5-5px2; severity: medium; CVE: CVE-2020-11023 CVE-2020-23064, issue: 4647, summary: passing HTML containing

with json flag:


eoftedal commented 9 months ago

If you leave out the --outputpath and just add --outputformat json do you still get empty output?

Harika19 commented 9 months ago

Awesome tried with different folder its working now , thanks eoftedal !!

Harika19 commented 9 months ago

--outputformat option is working as expected