RetireJS / retire.js

scanner detecting the use of JavaScript libraries with known vulnerabilities. Can also generate an SBOM of the libraries it finds.
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False positive with axios and version string inside comments in axios-mock-adapter #431

Closed yihuaf closed 2 months ago

yihuaf commented 2 months ago

Retire.js version: (retire --version):


node version: (node --version):



When retire scans the .js file for dependencies, it mistake a comment in the file for dependencies. The comment is:

// Axios v0.17 mutates the url to include the baseURL for non hostnames
// but does not remove the baseURL from the config

retire mistake the comment as having axios dependency with version 0.17. In reality, we are using the latest axios version 1.6.x. axios version 0.17 has a 2 CVEs associated with it and causing retire and dependency-checker to produce false positive.


Expected behaviour: retire should not recognize axios version 0.17 from the comment and do not produce the false positive.

If this is a false positive or false negative: This is a false positive.

eoftedal commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reporting