collate and append all the result in a data.table format
co_index <- rbindlist(lapply(co_index, FUN = "[[","col_index"))
resulting in an error message. I removed the D from 'rbmsD' in this part of the code "co_index[[i+1]] <- rbmsD::collated_index(data = sindex, s_sp = 2, sindex_value = "SINDEX", bootID=i, boot_ind= bootsample, glm_weights=TRUE, rm_zero=TRUE)" and it worked well ... so I think/hope this is the correct solution for it?
Dear Reto
I downloaded the rbms package and it worked fine untill I tried to run this part of the code
============== co_index <- list()
for progression bar, uncomment the following
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = dim(bootsample$boot_ind)[1], initial = 0, char = "*", style = 3)
for(i in c(0,seq_len(dim(bootsample$boot_ind)[1]))){
co_index[[i+1]] <- rbmsD::collated_index(data = sindex, s_sp = 2, sindex_value = "SINDEX", bootID=i, boot_ind= bootsample, glm_weights=TRUE, rm_zero=TRUE)
for progression bar, uncomment the following
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
collate and append all the result in a data.table format
co_index <- rbindlist(lapply(co_index, FUN = "[[","col_index"))
resulting in an error message. I removed the D from 'rbmsD' in this part of the code "co_index[[i+1]] <- rbmsD::collated_index(data = sindex, s_sp = 2, sindex_value = "SINDEX", bootID=i, boot_ind= bootsample, glm_weights=TRUE, rm_zero=TRUE)" and it worked well ... so I think/hope this is the correct solution for it?
Many thanks for making this analysis possible!
Best regards Dirk