RetroAchievements / RABot's Discord Bot
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Gan-Command autofills Name #77

Closed SporyTike closed 1 year ago

SporyTike commented 3 years ago

Currently when using the command !gan <GameID> you get a template you can use for achievements-news. However currently when using it one info is missing and needs to be set manually everytime. The command always outputs A new set was published by @{AUTHOR_NAME} on ....

It would be nice if the @{AUTHOR_NAME} would be replaced with a ping of the user who used the command. The idea of the template is to just copy and paste it and so it's likely a person misses to replace it, also it's kind of strange that the date is always the current date because with that logic it should be {DATE} as well. Because there are only two situations in which this command is used: Either by the set developer themselves OR someone who does the news like Hotscrock who would need to replace the @{AUTHOR_NAME} anyway it would be nice that at least the devs who do the news themselves save a few seconds of typing.

meleu commented 3 years ago

Regarding @{AUTHOR_NAME}

Pinging the user who called the command wouldn't be accurate.

The solution I can think as approachable is putting a more visible string. Maybe @{REPLACE_THIS_STRING_WITH_THE_AUTHOR_NAME}.

Regarding date

The logic I used for release date checks all achievements' date and use the most recent one.

If it's posting the current always the date, it's indeed strange, because I remember I tested it a lot (with the epic Zooming Secretary set). Could you confirm that, please?

SporyTike commented 3 years ago

Author Name

It's not about the visibility of the string, it's clear what @{AUTHOR_NAME} means, I would just like to make it a bit faster that you don't need to add the name everytime you do the post. There are many people on the server and sometimes you need to write @ + half of the user name just to get the user listed in the autofill menu which discord gives you. Now that you responded I remember core-set-log shows authors of a set. Because of the verification system we make sure that all devs have the same name on discord and the site would it be possible to get author pings by nicknames or no ping when user can't be found on the server?


I can't really confirm it no, I just thought it did because if I remember correctly one time I made a news one or two days after releasing and then the bot gave me the current date. But maybe my memory is mixed up and I am wrong. I guess your logic should work so now that I know how the bot gets the date I think I mixed something up.