RetroFloppy / transformenator

When a file needs to make a change
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Brother 240k mapping #5

Open thorsted opened 4 years ago

thorsted commented 4 years ago

I have an updated mapping for Brother 240k Wp files which adds to the existing transform. One of the issues I am not sure how to map is the change of daisy wheel glyphs. This is done in the word processor by changing the keyboard, KB1, KB2, KB3. Some hex values will be different depending on which mode it is in. The hex value for a change to KB2 is "BD", would it be possible to switch to different mapping is this value is detected?

schmidtd commented 4 years ago

Hi, @thorsted - that's an interesting situation. Are all the glyphs representable in ASCII - or do you think you'd have to shift into unicode to represent them? If the latter, it might be a pretty simple (if lengthy) table to map anything between the 0xBD brackets as two-byte values. But it might take a new keyword to implement, too. It would be interesting to see some real-world instances of files.

thorsted commented 4 years ago

@schmidtd KB2 is for International text, £, Ñ, etc. While KB3 is for symbols. I think they should all be representable as RTF escapes. You can see from my edited RTF transform, I have mapped some of the WP special characters to escape codes. I have a Brother WP-700D I am using to map everything. My transform works well, but is missing a lot of pitch, tabs, and justify mapping. brother_240k_rtf_tt.txt Here is a sample file with some KB2 characters. KEYS02.txt