RetroPie / RetroPie-Setup

Shell script to set up a Raspberry Pi/Odroid/PC with RetroArch emulator and various cores
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Official support for Raspbian Jessie #1029

Closed joolswills closed 8 years ago

joolswills commented 8 years ago

Jessie is now released on the site. Need to build and test new images based on Jessie and build binaries for Jessie also.

arka9ine commented 8 years ago

So far I am not impressed with Jessie. Based on what I read, that is.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

Please do share any links you think would be useful. We don't include desktop components in our prebuilt images, but we would benefit from updated versions of some userland components.

HerbFargus commented 8 years ago

So is it your intention to have 3.1 be based on Raspbian Jessie- or is this for future releases that you're looking at? I'm happy to give any new images a test

joolswills commented 8 years ago

An undecided future release.. at some point after 3.1

arka9ine commented 8 years ago

How do you guys feel about making a standalone version for Jessie? That would make me a bit more tempted to try it out. I run Wheezy with Kodi and RetroPie on top of it as standalone environments.

Another thing is if you guys do plan on that, I will be able to update my TriPi script for controller navigation into it for any of my users that want to upgrade.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

At some point I guess there will be a Jessie based image for testing as well as the standard version, but I am not going to build 2 sets of images for every release.

arka9ine commented 8 years ago

Fair enough.

dmptrluke commented 8 years ago

Another +1 for Jessie support. I moved my multi-use project to Jessie to get newer python versions, and official support for on-the-side emulation would be nice.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

Note you can install it manually on Jessie now - just no binary installs available, but if you wanted to build some emulators from source that should all work.

dmptrluke commented 8 years ago

I had some bizarre issues installing emulationstation, but I think it might just be my image corrupting. Apt kept locking up on installing libboost, despite trying all kinds of dpkg and aptitide tricks. Oh well! I'll update my post after a reimage.

diogomsantos commented 8 years ago

I just tried making a source based instalattion in a clean official Raspbian Jessie Image and the first error I got is building SDL1. Here is the log:

Now it started compiling the emulators and will let it finish, meanwhile if I found another error I will paste it here.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

thanks will check/debug - this is new - I guess they added a prepatched rpi sdl to jessie now that it's officially released (rpi foundation are using our modified sdl, so I need to check for that).

joolswills commented 8 years ago

or just forcing a vanilla debian sdl source base would be fine. We could just accept the raspbian sdl as it's already got our fixes in, but we might add new stuff later (perhaps).

diogomsantos commented 8 years ago

Ok, I already had SDL 1.2.15-10 and SDL 2.0.2 installed from the Raspbian repo, but wasn't sure that will work. Everything seemed to compilied fine including SDL2, unless lr-mednafen-wsan and lr-mednafen-ngp which failed because /home/pi/RetroPie/tmp/build/$emulator/ not found in both.

Will test now ES and some emulators to check if they are working.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

Sounds like you need to update retropie-setup - lr-mednafen-wsan and lr-mednafen-ngp were fixed up 5 days ago.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

Please can you post me more of the log from earlier - It's not complete and I need to see the source stage of the sdl1 build/fail (As It worked here)

joolswills commented 8 years ago

I can probably reproduce it from a fresh image, but will save me time - I'm assuming there is a difference between our deb-src apt sources. Downloading a vanilla Raspbian jessie image now anyway to see.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

should be fixed now.

diogomsantos commented 8 years ago

Yes I had Raspbian Jessie installed about a week ago and cloned RetroPie-Setup +/- at the same time but only now I had the opportunity to lay hands on that. Updating RetroPie-Setup fixed ngp and wswan.

The old log was corrupted (sometimes logs get corrupted, don't know why but that already happens in Wheezy). Anyway here is a new one:

Another thing I noticed that doesn't work is the splashscreen. I tried multiple, the sysvinit script is processed but nothing happens. I believe that's because of systemd. I already tried to make a systemd service for fbi but still not working yet (exits with "Oops Terminated).

joolswills commented 8 years ago

I have the splashscreen working ok here on jessie - so not sure what the problem is. I'll try from a fresh image though - you did "enable splashscreen" from the configuration ? If the init.d script is being run it should be fine so maybe something in that is failing - I would need a log.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

Tested on a fresh Raspbian jessie and it worked fine - did you configure it to boot to "Console Autologin" via raspi-config?

Without that it will boot to a desktop, and the desktop starts loading early enough as to not give the splash a chance to startup.

diogomsantos commented 8 years ago

Sorry didn't saw your message about SDL1, it compiles fine now. Splashscreen also working just fine, the problem was that I was using an old custom one, thanks.

Some things I noticed that the source-based installation doesn't install, don't know if this is expected or not: -es-theme (none are installed) -retropie menu -samba shares (not sure about this) -ES autostart

ES (from terminal and autostart enable/disable) is working fine, USB gamepad configuration in ES also, but I didn't test the emulators yet.

It seems that all RetroPie-Setup scripts are working fine but I didn't test some because I don't have the hardware to test, like: -wireless/bluetooth gamepads like PS3 and XBOX 360 -xarcade2joystick

RetroPie Menu options are working also.

Maybe it will not be needed much work afterall to get RetroPie working fine in Raspbian Jessie :D

Time to test the emulators with one USB Logitech gamepad.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

es-theme - you are installing from source - a default theme is only set up when installing from binaries, but you can just install a theme via the supplementary menu - there is a theme installer.

retropie menu is expected to be installed manually if using the source install, same for shares, and ES autostart. they are configured from the supplementary menu.

There was plenty of work to get RetroPie-Setup working in Jessie :) - The work was done some weeks ago. This ticket was opened for me to track "official" support - ie, out of the box with binaries and shipping jessie by default.

diogomsantos commented 8 years ago

Yes I know that options can be installed from the RetroPie-Setup script, I have done that already.

So maybe the next step is to test the binaries compiled from source, and if they are working, to make binary packages, put them on the RetroPie server and enable the option to Install binaries in Jessie. That way it will be easier for people to test the emulators, and the other things further.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

It's already in progress - this was why I opened the ticket for myself :)

HerbFargus commented 8 years ago

So will there be two binary options then when updating? One for wheezy and one for Jessie?

joolswills commented 8 years ago

Just one. It will know which distro you are on.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

I actually built binaries for Jessie a week ago, but then got busy doing the 3.1 release - I'm building them now again though.

HerbFargus commented 8 years ago

Just as a reference for others: this is how I installed retropie on raspbian jessie manually (from source):

Installing Retropie Manually (from Raspbian Jessie):


write to sd card with win32diskimager

sudo raspi-config

boot options
console autologin

expand filesystem


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git

git clone --depth=1

cd RetroPie-Setup
sudo ./retropie-setup

Install Emulationstation

Auto Start Emulationstation

Install Theme from setup script

Enable Samba Shares
(hostname is raspberrypi not RETROPIE)

Install Retroarch

Install your emulators

transfer your roms

HerbFargus commented 8 years ago

just ran a full binary install:


could not install package(s): libxaw7-dev checkinstall.

(error related to Commodore 64 emulator: vice)

full log:

may have been a network thing again but not necessarily sure- , still testing


lr-mgba has an issue when it says invalid video register and then exits out- not sure if thats an upstream issue or something directly related to jessie- it happens with all my roms that used to work.

/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch: symbol lookup error: /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mgba/ undefined symbol: _to16Bit

joolswills commented 8 years ago

Your install issue was a network problem.

Will look into mgba when i get a chance. thanks.

HerbFargus commented 8 years ago

yeah lr-mgba issues are specific to jessie as compiling from source on my wheezy build had no issues.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

you could try compiling just that emulator from source on jessie - might be my cross compiler.

HerbFargus commented 8 years ago

thats the next thing on my list- will report results

HerbFargus commented 8 years ago

same issue:

here's the build log:

joolswills commented 8 years ago

ok thanks.

carlosouro commented 8 years ago

Hi guys,

PS3 Controller Setup is not working in Jessie. No expert here, but it seems like it's due to how bluetooth support has changed in Jessie.

bluez-utils and other packages no longer exist in Jessie (apt-get says it has been replaced with just bluez), making #includes fail during compile/run. Then the ps3 setup screen comes up but fails saying no PS3 USB controller found and it fails all together.

Errors given at the end:

joolswills commented 8 years ago


joolswills commented 8 years ago

ps3controller should be fixed now.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

the mgba problem should be fixed. I'm going to build new binaries for wheezy / jessie now.

ProxyCell commented 8 years ago


Is building from source on Jessie working for anybody? I just ran my first one and it threw a ton of warnings/errors/failures at me. I did try to built a lot of stuff at once and my next run will be a bit easier but I was wondering if you guys had any experience with it already.

HerbFargus commented 8 years ago

I installed it manually piece by piece and ran into a few dependency errors but they were fixed for the things i tried. I didn't try a whole lot of things though. I did the partial install explained on this page:

joolswills commented 8 years ago

@ProxyCell without any log I can't advise.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

I would add that source builds can break often due to upstream changes. Stuff is fixed as/when I have a chance. Binaries are available for Jessie, so I would use those.

ProxyCell commented 8 years ago

@HerbFargus & @joolswills Thanks a lot for the replies! I will begin the next run tomorrow and I will do them one by one.

jimbo27 commented 8 years ago

Hi guys,

after >1 year of using Retriopie an a Pi1 I decided to step over to a Pi2. For a fresh new install I decided on Jessie because of its future compatibility and perhaps better support for Pi2.

I installed Jessie Lite (from, version November 2015).

Following the hints above I tried to install RetroPie step by step (partial install). I began with git, dialog and then the RetroPie script. After that I tried to install Emulationstation through the RetroPie-Frontend. The binary version failed to install so I tried the source version which installed almost error free (I saw some dependency problems in the log). Anyway: After installing the simple theme Emulationstation started successfully on my Pi2. es_systems.cfg were missing so I had to get an actual version from the internet.

After that I wanted to see my first emulator running on my RetroPie system. I decided on Retroarch and Libretro cores for SNES. I started with Retroarch. This time I could not compile the source version so I installed the binaries. After that I installed two Libretro cores (Pocketsnes and SNES9x and some roms. Unfortunately Emulationstation could not start the emulator. runcommand.log says: /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So my installation seems to be broken. Any hint what I did wrong?

PS: I am interested to get this thing working on Jessie. I am no coder but I am ready to help with log files of install attempts of binary or source versions. I am capable of making backups anytime in order to wind back to a previous version of my system. For example I could go back to a clean system without RetroPie. I could try to install every component step by step and post the resulting logfiles. Would this be helpful?

HerbFargus commented 8 years ago

RetroArch is currently under a lot of development so its more than likely it will break from source than it will build, so I would stick with binaries for everything (if they were built for jessie) as generally there really isnt a whole lot of benefit to building from source (though we do prefer it to build). We've been sorting out 3.3 pending RetroArch and holidays and then perhaps we'll focus more on Jessie support. Ideally RetroPie should be modular enough to build from individual pieces but sometimes dependencies slip through (this will be sorted in time)

As far as what you are doing, if you do have logs you can put them on pastebin and post links for your build logs so we know what broke it. @joolswills I know this isn't top priority right now but for long term do you think it would be worth making a chart on a google sheet or something for each core?

too late already did it anyways- Just a way to organise what builds from source and what doesn't- just for getting started:

joolswills commented 8 years ago

as Herb says - it is not yet production ready on Jessie. I have also never tested on the Jessie Lite, so it will need some more work im sure to work on there out of the box (due to some dependencies we miss - I will need to go through this).

Not sure the spreadsheet will be of use to me - I prefer just to use the issue tracker etc. If you want to keep a spreadsheet though of course feel free.

If you post a debug log I can advise further (with build issues), but the issue with retroarch binaries is they need rebuilding as they were built with libjack, but we don't include a dependency for it. this is fixed in source though and the next binaries won't include this.

If you just want a working RetroPie, please use an image or start from Wheezy.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

you can also install libjack-dev to fix the missing lib for retroarch.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

RetroArch doesn't build from source currently on the rpi.