RetroShare / retroshare-mobile

Retroshare mobile phone client
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Todos & ideas for RetroShare Mobile #64

Open defnax opened 7 months ago

defnax commented 7 months ago

We need to stay light and easy on rs mobile like Whatsapp/Telegram.

for me main ideas/todos (not sure if everything is done, every place has i think more todos which i doesnt listed yet)

Basics Done: ✔️ Distant chats ✔️ Chat rooms ✔️ Send Emojis


for the future:

a advanced retroshare mobile app (more complex or only keep it for the desktop rs only)

defnax commented 7 months ago

Only for Retroshare mobile app not for Desktop.

When want send a voice message via private chat or distant chat, (only for 1:1 not for chat rooms) updated the todo list. 10-60 seconds maximum record and send the audio file.

// Import package
import 'package:audio_recorder/audio_recorder.dart';

// Check permissions before starting
bool hasPermissions = await AudioRecorder.hasPermissions;

// Get the state of the recorder
bool isRecording = await AudioRecorder.isRecording;

// Start recording
await AudioRecorder.start(path: _controller.text, audioOutputFormat: AudioOutputFormat.AAC);

// Stop recording
Recording recording = await AudioRecorder.stop();
print("Path : ${recording.path},  Format : ${recording.audioOutputFormat},  Duration : ${recording.duration},  Extension : ${recording.extension},");
defnax commented 7 months ago

issues (tested on bluestacks 10/2021):

  1. Profile generation endless loop not finishing
  2. Add Friend via Retroshare id or cert gets errors
  3. No notify when some one want or added you as friend ( importend to accept new FR's )
  4. Start distant chat will work from desktop to rs mobile, desktop user needs to start the chat to get a chat
  5. the distant message from rs mobile to desktop rs will be not sended
  6. Other Chat rooms dont work for me, joind but cant chat
  7. Attach image not worked
defnax commented 7 months ago

there no kind of info the the rs mobile distant chat is etablished, no status or if the chat is active. i know gxs contacts hasnt yet a status. maybe it wil come too, but when the chat is etablished show something green border or else, and show yellow, red when user is offline or not reachable

basic idea: image

Avatar Circle color:

**1. Yellow Pending (in progress)

  1. Green etablished (connected with chat partner)
  2. Red ( Contact is offline, no reachable or has left the chat)**

But when this fixed, we need direct chat too. Without the status we dont know if the contact is realy online to talk.

defnax commented 7 months ago

Ideas: image

Idea where to place the Friends View
