Retrospring is an application powered mostly by static rendering of content and not having JS do most of the load through frontend frameworks and alike. I'd like it to stay that way, but also have an easier time bringing interactivity to parts of the page.
Stimulus (incorporated with Turbo) does just that and we should look into refactoring the current feature-pattern we have into Stimulus controllers.
This could already be attempted, but I'd prefer pagination being ported away from jQuery first.
It also doesn't make sense to port all features into Stimulus. Some TypeScript functionality will be completely deprecated by moving the relevant actions to Turbo Streams/Frames.
Retrospring is an application powered mostly by static rendering of content and not having JS do most of the load through frontend frameworks and alike. I'd like it to stay that way, but also have an easier time bringing interactivity to parts of the page.
Stimulus (incorporated with Turbo) does just that and we should look into refactoring the current feature-pattern we have into Stimulus controllers.
This could already be attempted, but I'd prefer pagination being ported away from jQuery first.