Return-To-The-Roots / s25client

Return To The Roots (Settlers II(R) Clone)
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[Addon] Destroy inactive enemy ships #183

Open Spikeone opened 9 years ago

Spikeone commented 9 years ago

It would be great if there was an option which just destroys enemy ships if they are within your borders and inactive. This could happen if you overtake an enemy island or just destroy most enemy harbors so some ships just idle.

Flow86 commented 9 years ago

well, they could simply leave and go to the next harbor perhaps, if they're inside enemy territory - if none exist, they should go to nearest harbor point which is closest to a friendly territory

Spikeone commented 9 years ago

Maybe both - an other dropdown menu. I personally like the idea of actually being able to destroy enemy ships. Thats also kinda important when you defeat an enemy and there are only ships left all over the coast(s). Currently ships are the only thing a player can build which could never be destroyed nor decayed nor anything else. Therefore I liked that idea of losing more than just a harbor building but also ships.

Flow86 commented 9 years ago

well there could be the catapult addon come in - if the ships empty and i.e hit 3 times, the ship will be destroyed and sink (perhaps replace the position with a "sunken ship" if its near the land

Spikeone commented 9 years ago

Well, if the catapults hit ships addon had an (referring my explanation) T0 state: only attack idle ships, I could go with that. But please DO NOT replace those ships with sunken ships, that way harbor spots could be blocked really easy (currently I have that problem when editing maps, the new editor doesn't show those ships but in RttR they can block harbors even if they are 2 nodes away), a fire would be enough in my opinion. Or maybe if the distance is +10 to any harbor, but this could also block some rivers thats why I think it could be bad to add such a function.

bluss commented 9 years ago

Half-built ships also block harbors spots (and you can't remove them, except if the original player completes the ship).

Flamefire commented 9 years ago

What about: If the player has no more harbours at that sea, all ships are destroyed. Same as people wander around and die when they don't find any warehouse.

Spikeone commented 9 years ago

Thats a bad idea, sometimes you only have 1 harbour and they might be destroyed very fast. Also you may build shipts before you build a harbour

Flamefire commented 9 years ago

Then something similar. E.g. no harbour and no shipbuilder or so... At least if player is destroyed then ships are also destroyed (if this is not yet the case)

Spikeone commented 9 years ago

Still - destroying them if you overtake the land where they stand would be great as well. Sometimes players are not dead yet. Would be quite easy compared to other solutions. Also maybe we should just add a prohibition for shipwrights to build ships near harbour spots and blocking them that way.

OR: As it was some time before, if a ship isn't finish you could build a flag and destroy the ship that way. This could be also used to destroy ships at your new harbor spot. The are waiting at the original harbors position and will be destroyed after an other player builds a harbor there as the harbor has the same flag position.

Guess thats still better than the "if not shipyard and no harbor at that sea ID" - still would be terrible as you sometimes just destroy your shipyard for building space. And then there would be no good reason why your ships would just disappear. Enemy players, enemy borders, enemy flags - those are good reasons for loosing a ship.