When naming a map: ĹÔÔÔ.WLD
RttR is not able to use that map. It's simplay not shown in the "Selection of maps" Screen.
The following message is printed to the console:
Could not open '.\RTTR\MAPS\SEA\?ÔÔÔ.WLD': failed opening file: Die Syntax für d
en Dateinamen, Verzeichnisnamen oder die Datenträgerbezeichnung ist falsch.
This is quite strange - the output is actually the following:
This could effect other things as well.
When naming a map: ĹÔÔÔ.WLD RttR is not able to use that map. It's simplay not shown in the "Selection of maps" Screen.
The following message is printed to the console: Could not open '.\RTTR\MAPS\SEA\?ÔÔÔ.WLD': failed opening file: Die Syntax für d en Dateinamen, Verzeichnisnamen oder die Datenträgerbezeichnung ist falsch.
This is quite strange - the output is actually the following:
This is just a minor bug