Return-To-The-Roots / s25edit

Fork of Launchpad: Worldeditor by XaserLe
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Add command line arguments. #35

Closed XaserLE closed 4 months ago

XaserLE commented 4 months ago

Options: --help Show help --width arg (=1024) Set width --height arg (=768) Set height --fullscreen arg (=0) Set fullscreen

Flamefire commented 4 months ago

Makes sense, thanks!

Spikeone commented 3 months ago

@Flamefire is this version included in the current rttr release? because it seems not to (at least not if you run rttr.bat to update)

E:\s25rttr_20231009>s25edit.exe --help
Expecting S2 game files in "E:\s25rttr_20231009\."
Maps folder set to "E:\s25rttr_20231009\WORLDS"
Initializing SDL...done
Return to the Roots Map editor
Create Window...

Don't mind the folder name, I redownloaded the archive from our page - still no command line options

stefson commented 3 months ago

it will propably not be in nightly before the submodule is updated.