I would like to call the api endpoint from another machine ,
I know when we use UseLocalhostClustering(), it only support listening to localhost or it cannot call use intranet ip address.
so i change to use UseDevelopmentClustering
info: Orleans.Networking[0]
Closing connection with remote endpoint Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Remote connection sent preamble length of 542393671, which is greater than maximum allowed size of 1024.
at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.ConnectionPreamble.Read(ConnectionContext connection)
at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.GatewayInboundConnection.RunInternal()
at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.Connection.Run()
System.InvalidOperationException: Remote connection sent preamble length of 542393671, which is greater than maximum allowed size of 1024.
at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.ConnectionPreamble.Read(ConnectionContext connection)
at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.GatewayInboundConnection.RunInternal()
at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.Connection.Run()
info: Orleans.Networking[0]
Connection Local:, Remote:, ConnectionId: 0HMI8JKBFEB92 terminated
I would like to call the api endpoint from another machine , I know when we use UseLocalhostClustering(), it only support listening to localhost or it cannot call use intranet ip address. so i change to use UseDevelopmentClustering
siloBuilder.UseDevelopmentClustering (new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 11111)) .Configure(options =>
options.ClusterId = "dev";
options.ServiceId = "hanbaobao";
.ConfigureEndpoints(siloPort: 11111, gatewayPort:5000);
and i call the endpoint use but fail with below information. could you help me?
info: Orleans.Networking[0] Closing connection with remote endpoint Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Remote connection sent preamble length of 542393671, which is greater than maximum allowed size of 1024. at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.ConnectionPreamble.Read(ConnectionContext connection) at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.GatewayInboundConnection.RunInternal() at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.Connection.Run() System.InvalidOperationException: Remote connection sent preamble length of 542393671, which is greater than maximum allowed size of 1024. at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.ConnectionPreamble.Read(ConnectionContext connection) at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.GatewayInboundConnection.RunInternal() at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.Connection.Run() info: Orleans.Networking[0] Connection Local:, Remote:, ConnectionId: 0HMI8JKBFEB92 terminated