ReubinAuthor / ClassicPlatesPlus

ClassicPlates Plus is an addon that adds additional features and new Classic-themed visuals to nameplates.
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FIX: Ensure auras in AurasImportantList always shown #4

Closed sampconrad closed 12 months ago

sampconrad commented 12 months ago

PROBLEM: The "Important Aura" list gives the user the impression of an Unconditional/Absolute Whitelist, where auras added to the list are always shown, regardless of other conditions.

Example: I added Soul Fragments - a Demon Hunter buff with no duration on the buff itself but the orbs do despawn after some time - to the Important List but it is never shown: image

SOLUTION: Previously, the visibility of auras included in the AurasImportantList depended on several other conditions. This change modifies the 'toggle' variable assignment to ensure that if an aura is in the AurasImportantList, 'toggle' will always evaluate to true and display the aura.

After applying the suggested changes to the code, the Important Auras list behaves as expected, an unconditional whitelist: image

ReubinAuthor commented 12 months ago

Good catch! Thanks 👍

ReubinAuthor commented 12 months ago

Maybe there should be another option to exclude own passive auras, that will be enabled by default.

sampconrad commented 12 months ago

Perhaps. But then that condition should take the Blacklist into account so people can hide stuff they don't wanna see like event buffs or class passives that are always on and don't need to be tracked.