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Some Skills can be skilled higher than allowed #17

Open Phantomal opened 11 years ago

Phantomal commented 11 years ago

When players klick fast while skilling, its possible to skill higher than allowed. Not sure if its a client side phänomenon, but we should at least make sure, that on server side skills not get saved with a too high level.

bigsam commented 11 years ago

On the server side there is a verification of the skill max level when the player level up one skill. Maybe this verification is missing in some skills? Confirm which skills this occur.

tjvdmolen commented 11 years ago

Is the issue that you get a skill level higher then the max level, or that you spend points you dont have to spend?

Phantomal commented 11 years ago

You can skill higher than the currently allowed max level. This not happens allways, so i assume theres some lag or delay involved.

The Client prevents you from spent more points than you have.