RevenantX / LiteNetLib

Lite reliable UDP library for Mono and .NET
MIT License
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Feature/proposal: Add a possibility to handle `ConnectionRequest.cs` outside the lib #520

Closed Adyvan closed 1 year ago

Adyvan commented 1 year ago

Feature/proposal Add a possibility to handle ConnectionRequest.cs outside the lib

Just can copy that instead method public NetPeer AcceptIfKey(string key)

//add usages
using System;
        public NetPeer AcceptIfKey(Func<string, bool> keyValidator)
            if (!TryActivate())
                return null;
                if (true == keyValidator?.Invoke(Data.GetString()))
                    Result = ConnectionRequestResult.Accept;
                NetDebug.WriteError("[AC] Invalid incoming data");

            if (Result == ConnectionRequestResult.Accept)
                return _listener.OnConnectionSolved(this, null, 0, 0);

            Result = ConnectionRequestResult.Reject;
            _listener.OnConnectionSolved(this, null, 0, 0);
            return null;

        public NetPeer AcceptIfKey(string key)
            return AcceptIfKey(k => k == key);

Library version: commit id (3f91b3c8ac43bfbc72701eb3e0343dfbd6ea6b80)

RevenantX commented 1 year ago

@Adyvan you can handle ConnectionRequest outside library already. Just use Accept and Reject and request Data

Adyvan commented 1 year ago

@RevenantX your approach works only if the key is const in an app instance.

I propose a version that can use in an app that has multiple keys or one key per user

RevenantX commented 1 year ago

@Adyvan no, you can send any data not only text keys with Connect call. And process this data (not only text) in OnConnectionRequest using and method Accept() and Reject() You can do own logic this way with any keys and additional check per user.

Adyvan commented 1 year ago

@RevenantX now I got it thanks. my proposal does not make sense, sorry for losing your time