RevenueCat / purchases-flutter

Flutter plugin for in-app purchases and subscriptions. Supports iOS, macOS and Android.
MIT License
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Purchases.purchasePackage() does not complete when purchase succeeded #365

Closed orestesgaolin closed 2 years ago

orestesgaolin commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

The call to await Purchases.purchasePackage(package); never finishes. It happens both on Android and iOS, although sometimes it finishes on Android. It does not return any object. It can throw an exception if I use card that always declines (in sandbox).

This occurs both when trying to purchase a new subscription but also when calling it again when the subscription is already purchased (AppStore responds with "You already own this..."). The subscription status gets updated to the "enabled" correctly after couple of seconds. It's just the final info = await Purchases.purchasePackage(package); that does not return the purchaser info and waits indefinitely.

This is similar to

  1. Environment
    1. Output of flutter doctor
      [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.10.5, on macOS 12.3.1 21E258 darwin-arm, locale pl-PL)
      • Flutter version 2.10.5 at /Users/dominik/fvm/versions/stable
      • Upstream repository
      • Framework revision 5464c5bac7 (3 weeks ago), 2022-04-18 09:55:37 -0700
      • Engine revision 57d3bac3dd
      • Dart version 2.16.2
      • DevTools version 2.9.2

[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 32.0.0) • Android SDK at /Users/dominik/Library/Android/sdk • Platform android-32, build-tools 32.0.0 • Java binary at: /Applications/Android • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.11+0-b60-7772763) • All Android licenses accepted.

[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 13.3.1) • Xcode at /Applications/ • CocoaPods version 1.11.3

[✓] Chrome - develop for the web • Chrome at /Applications/Google Chrome

[✓] Android Studio (version 2021.1) • Android Studio at /Applications/Android • Flutter plugin can be installed from: 🔨 • Dart plugin can be installed from: 🔨 • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.11+0-b60-7772763)

[✓] VS Code (version 1.66.2) • VS Code at /Applications/Visual Studio • Flutter extension version 3.40.0

[✓] Connected device (4 available) • SM G991B (mobile) • R5CR617G51T • android-arm64 • Android 12 (API 31) • iPhone (Dominik) (mobile) • f96e187ec1f51b6be1830c7965a482dc653765d2 • ios • iOS 15.4.1 19E258 • macOS (desktop) • macos • darwin-arm64 • macOS 12.3.1 21E258 darwin-arm • Chrome (web) • chrome • web-javascript • Google Chrome 101.0.4951.54 ! Error: iPhone (iOS) is not connected. Xcode will continue when iPhone (iOS) is connected. (code -13)

[✓] HTTP Host Availability • All required HTTP hosts are available

• No issues found!

   3. ~How widespread is the issue. Percentage of devices affected.~
2. Debug logs that reproduce the issue

<details><summary>DEBUG LOGS</summary>

1. Try to purchase with failing card - fails, exception thrown
2. Try to purchase with success card - succeeds, but the call does not complete

Launching lib/main/main_AppName_staging.dart on SM G991B in debug mode... ✓ Built build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-AppNamestaging-debug.apk. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Debug logging enabled D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ SDK Version - 4.6.1 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Initial App User ID - 3 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Identifying App User ID: 3 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Deleting old synced subscriber attributes that don't belong to 3 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ App foregrounded D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo cache is stale, updating from network in foreground. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Offerings cache is stale, updating from network in foreground D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 😻 Offerings updated from network. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Skipping updating pending purchase queue since BillingClient is not connected yet. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ No subscriber attributes to synchronize. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Listener set D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Sending latest PurchaserInfo to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Starting connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Billing Service Setup finished for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Updating pending purchase queue D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Vending PurchaserInfo from cache. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false [log] onTransition PremiumStatusBloc: Transition { currentState: PremiumStatusLoading(), event: PremiumStatusUpdated(PremiumSubscription(PremiumSubscriptionStatus.enabled, null, [analyzer, premium-content], 2022-05-10 12:18:03.000Z)), nextState: PremiumStatusAvailable(PremiumSubscription(PremiumSubscriptionStatus.enabled, null, [analyzer, premium-content], 2022-05-10 12:18:03.000Z)) } W/ Accessing hidden field Ljava/net/Socket;->impl:Ljava/net/SocketImpl; (unsupported, reflection, allowed) W/ Accessing hidden method Ljava/security/spec/ECParameterSpec;->setCurveName(Ljava/lang/String;)V (unsupported, reflection, allowed) D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Debug logging enabled D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ SDK Version - 4.6.1 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Initial App User ID - 3 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Identifying App User ID: 3 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Deleting old synced subscriber attributes that don't belong to 3 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ App foregrounded D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo cache is stale, updating from network in foreground. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Offerings cache is stale, updating from network in foreground D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 😻 Offerings updated from network. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Skipping updating pending purchase queue since BillingClient is not connected yet. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ No subscriber attributes to synchronize. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Listener set D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Sending latest PurchaserInfo to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Starting connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Ending connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Vending PurchaserInfo from cache. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Billing Service Setup finished for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Updating pending purchase queue D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/3 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/3 304 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/3 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/3 304 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo updated, sending to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/3/offerings D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/3/offerings 304 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Requesting products from the store with identifiers: com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Querying purchases D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Cleaning previously sent tokens D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Saving tokens [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Products request finished for com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Retrieved skuDetailsList: SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"}, SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.annual - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.monthly - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} Reload already in progress, ignoring request Reloaded 4 of 2179 libraries in 3 607ms. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Vending Offerings from cache D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false [log] onTransition PremiumPurchaseBloc: Transition { currentState: PremiumPurchaseLoading(), event: ProductsRequested(), nextState: PremiumPurchasePopulated([Package(identifier: $rc_monthly, packageType: PackageType.monthly, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.monthly, description: AppName Plus Monthly Subscription, title: AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 37.99, priceString: 37,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering), Package(identifier: $rc_annual, packageType: PackageType.annual, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.annual, description: AppName Plus Annual Subscription, title: AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 314.99, priceString: 314,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering)]) } D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Found 0 unsynced attributes for App User ID: D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Deleting subscriber attributes for from cache D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Setting new anonymous App User ID - %s D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Logged out successfully E/[Purchases] - ERROR(20303): 😿‼️ Called logOut but the current user is anonymous E/[Purchases] - ERROR(20303): 😿‼️ Called logOut but the current user is anonymous E/SchedPolicy(20303): Failed to find cgroup for tid 20303 [log] onTransition PremiumStatusBloc: Transition { currentState: PremiumStatusAvailable(PremiumSubscription(PremiumSubscriptionStatus.enabled, null, [analyzer, premium-content], 2022-05-10 12:18:03.000Z)), event: PremiumStatusUpdated(PremiumSubscription(PremiumSubscriptionStatus.disabled, null, [], null)), nextState: PremiumStatusAvailable(PremiumSubscription(PremiumSubscriptionStatus.disabled, null, [], null)) } D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/%24RCAnonymousID%3Aebbcba0c42b543f5b1bb31ca44667c2f D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/%24RCAnonymousID%3Aebbcba0c42b543f5b1bb31ca44667c2f 201 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo updated, sending to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/%24RCAnonymousID%3Aebbcba0c42b543f5b1bb31ca44667c2f/offerings D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/%24RCAnonymousID%3Aebbcba0c42b543f5b1bb31ca44667c2f/offerings 200 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Requesting products from the store with identifiers: com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Products request finished for com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Retrieved skuDetailsList: SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"}, SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.annual - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.monthly - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} E/ No package ID 24 found for ID 0x245a3c5c. E/ No package ID 24 found for ID 0x245a3c5c. I/AssistStructure(20303): Flattened final assist data: 428 bytes, containing 1 windows, 3 views andleMessage:6382 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:106 android.os.Looper.loopOnce:226 E/ No package ID 24 found for ID 0x245a3c5c. E/ No package ID 24 found for ID 0x245a3c5c. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ App backgrounded D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ No subscriber attributes to synchronize. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ App foregrounded D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Updating pending purchase queue D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Querying purchases D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ No subscriber attributes to synchronize. andleCallback:938 E/[Purchases] - ERROR(20303): 😿‼️ Called logOut but the current user is anonymous E/[Purchases] - ERROR(20303): 😿‼️ Called logOut but the current user is anonymous D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Cleaning previously sent tokens D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Saving tokens [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] E/ No package ID 24 found for ID 0x245a3c5c. E/ No package ID 24 found for ID 0x245a3c5c. I/AssistStructure(20303): Flattened final assist data: 444 bytes, containing 1 windows, 3 views andleMessage:6382 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:106 android.os.Looper.loopOnce:226 E/SchedPolicy(20303): Failed to find cgroup for tid 20303 andleMessage:6382 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:106 android.os.Looper.loopOnce:226 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Debug logging enabled D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ SDK Version - 4.6.1 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Initial App User ID - 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Identifying App User ID: 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Deleting old synced subscriber attributes that don't belong to 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ App foregrounded D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo cache is stale, updating from network in foreground. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Offerings cache is stale, updating from network in foreground D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 😻 Offerings updated from network. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Skipping updating pending purchase queue since BillingClient is not connected yet. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ No subscriber attributes to synchronize. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Listener set D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Starting connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Ending connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ No cached PurchaserInfo, fetching from network. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): Same call already in progress, adding to callbacks map with key: [/subscribers/66] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 😻 PurchaserInfo updated from network. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Billing Service Setup finished for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Updating pending purchase queue D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/66 201 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Sending latest PurchaserInfo to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo updated, sending to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/66/offerings D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/66/offerings 200 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Requesting products from the store with identifiers: com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Querying purchases D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Cleaning previously sent tokens D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Saving tokens [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Products request finished for com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Retrieved skuDetailsList: SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"}, SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.annual - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.monthly - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"}] [android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(] [android.view.Choreographer$] W/ Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/View;->computeFitSystemWindows(Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Rect;)Z (unsupported, reflection, allowed) W/ Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/ViewGroup;->makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows()V (unsupported, reflection, allowed) I/ Compiler allocated 4163KB to compile void android.widget.TextView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int)

D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ App backgrounded D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ No subscriber attributes to synchronize. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ App foregrounded D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Updating pending purchase queue D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ No subscriber attributes to synchronize. E/SchedPolicy(20303): Failed to find cgroup for tid 20303 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Cleaning previously sent tokens D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Saving tokens [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Debug logging enabled D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ SDK Version - 4.6.1 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Initial App User ID - 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Identifying App User ID: 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Deleting old synced subscriber attributes that don't belong to 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ App foregrounded D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo cache is stale, updating from network in foreground. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Offerings cache is stale, updating from network in foreground D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 😻 Offerings updated from network. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Skipping updating pending purchase queue since BillingClient is not connected yet. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ No subscriber attributes to synchronize. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Listener set D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Sending latest PurchaserInfo to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Starting connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Ending connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Vending PurchaserInfo from cache. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Billing Service Setup finished for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Updating pending purchase queue D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/66 304 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo updated, sending to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/66/offerings D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/66/offerings 304 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Requesting products from the store with identifiers: com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Querying purchases D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Cleaning previously sent tokens D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Saving tokens [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Products request finished for com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Retrieved skuDetailsList: SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"}, SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.annual - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.monthly - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Debug logging enabled D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ SDK Version - 4.6.1 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Initial App User ID - 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Identifying App User ID: 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Deleting old synced subscriber attributes that don't belong to 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ App foregrounded D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo cache is stale, updating from network in foreground. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Offerings cache is stale, updating from network in foreground D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 😻 Offerings updated from network. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Skipping updating pending purchase queue since BillingClient is not connected yet. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ No subscriber attributes to synchronize. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Listener set D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Sending latest PurchaserInfo to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Starting connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Ending connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Vending PurchaserInfo from cache. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Billing Service Setup finished for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Updating pending purchase queue D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/66 304 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo updated, sending to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/66/offerings D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/66/offerings 304 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Requesting products from the store with identifiers: com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Querying purchases D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Cleaning previously sent tokens D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Saving tokens [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Products request finished for com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Retrieved skuDetailsList: SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"}, SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.annual - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.monthly - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Debug logging enabled D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ SDK Version - 4.6.1 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Initial App User ID - 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Identifying App User ID: 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Deleting old synced subscriber attributes that don't belong to 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ App foregrounded D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo cache is stale, updating from network in foreground. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Offerings cache is stale, updating from network in foreground D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 😻 Offerings updated from network. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Skipping updating pending purchase queue since BillingClient is not connected yet. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ No subscriber attributes to synchronize. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Listener set D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Sending latest PurchaserInfo to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Starting connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Ending connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Vending PurchaserInfo from cache. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Billing Service Setup finished for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Updating pending purchase queue D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/66 304 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo updated, sending to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/66/offerings D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/66/offerings 304 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Requesting products from the store with identifiers: com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Querying purchases D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Products request finished for com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Retrieved skuDetailsList: SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"}, SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.annual - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.monthly - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Cleaning previously sent tokens D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Saving tokens [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Vending Offerings from cache D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false [log] onTransition PremiumPurchaseBloc: Transition { currentState: PremiumPurchaseLoading(), event: ProductsRequested(), nextState: PremiumPurchasePopulated([Package(identifier: $rc_monthly, packageType: PackageType.monthly, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.monthly, description: AppName Plus Monthly Subscription, title: AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 37.99, priceString: 37,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering), Package(identifier: $rc_annual, packageType: PackageType.annual, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.annual, description: AppName Plus Annual Subscription, title: AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 314.99, priceString: 314,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering)]) } D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Vending Offerings from cache D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Purchase started - product: com.revenuecat.purchases.models.ProductDetails@8f8e024f - offering: default offering D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Purchasing product: com.example.package.monthly D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false [log] onTransition PremiumPurchaseBloc: Transition { currentState: PremiumPurchasePopulated([Package(identifier: $rc_monthly, packageType: PackageType.monthly, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.monthly, description: AppName Plus Monthly Subscription, title: AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 37.99, priceString: 37,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering), Package(identifier: $rc_annual, packageType: PackageType.annual, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.annual, description: AppName Plus Annual Subscription, title: AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 314.99, priceString: 314,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering)]), event: ProductPurchaseStarted(Package(identifier: $rc_monthly, packageType: PackageType.monthly, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.monthly, description: AppName Plus Monthly Subscription, title: AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 37.99, priceString: 37,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering)), nextState: PremiumPurchaseInProgress(Package(identifier: $rc_monthly, packageType: PackageType.monthly, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.monthly, description: AppName Plus Monthly Subscription, title: AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 37.99, priceString: 37,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering)) } andleCallback:938 W/Choreographer(20303): Frame time is 0.019979 ms in the future! Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase. W/ProxyBillingActivity(20303): Activity finished with resultCode 0 and billing's responseCode: 6 W/BillingHelper(20303): Couldn't find purchase lists, trying to find single data. W/BillingHelper(20303): Received a bad purchase data. W/BillingHelper(20303): Couldn't find single purchase data as well. E/[Purchases] - ERROR(20303): 🤖‼️ BillingWrapper purchases failed to update: DebugMessage: . ErrorCode: ERROR.null E/[Purchases] - ERROR(20303): 🤖‼️ There was a problem with the Play Store. or - frame = 47 [log] onTransition PremiumPurchaseBloc: Transition { currentState: PremiumPurchaseInProgress(Package(identifier: $rc_monthly, packageType: PackageType.monthly, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.monthly, description: AppName Plus Monthly Subscription, title: AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 37.99, priceString: 37,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering)), event: ProductPurchaseStarted(Package(identifier: $rc_monthly, packageType: PackageType.monthly, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.monthly, description: AppName Plus Monthly Subscription, title: AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 37.99, priceString: 37,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering)), nextState: PremiumPurchaseError(PurchasesErrorCode.storeProblemError, Package(identifier: $rc_monthly, packageType: PackageType.monthly, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.monthly, description: AppName Plus Monthly Subscription, title: AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 37.99, priceString: 37,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering)) } [log] onError PremiumPurchaseBloc [log] PaymentsException (PaymentsException(PurchasesErrorCode.storeProblemError, There was a problem with the Play Store.)) [log] #0 StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope

1 MethodChannel._invokeMethod

    <asynchronous suspension>

2 Purchases._invokeReturningMap

    <asynchronous suspension>

3 Purchases._invokeReturningPurchaserInfo

    <asynchronous suspension>

4 Purchases.purchasePackage

    <asynchronous suspension>

5 PaymentsClient.buyPackage

    <asynchronous suspension>

6 PaymentsRepository.buyPackage

    <asynchronous suspension>

7 PremiumPurchaseBloc._onProductPurchaseStarted

    <asynchronous suspension>

8 Bloc.on..handleEvent

    <asynchronous suspension>

D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Debug logging enabled D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ SDK Version - 4.6.1 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Initial App User ID - 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Identifying App User ID: 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Deleting old synced subscriber attributes that don't belong to 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ App foregrounded D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo cache is stale, updating from network in foreground. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Offerings cache is stale, updating from network in foreground D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 😻 Offerings updated from network. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Skipping updating pending purchase queue since BillingClient is not connected yet. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ No subscriber attributes to synchronize. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Listener set D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Sending latest PurchaserInfo to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Starting connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Ending connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Vending PurchaserInfo from cache. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Billing Service Setup finished for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Updating pending purchase queue D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/66 304 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo updated, sending to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/66/offerings D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/66/offerings 304 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Requesting products from the store with identifiers: com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Querying purchases D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Cleaning previously sent tokens D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Saving tokens [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Products request finished for com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Retrieved skuDetailsList: SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"}, SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.annual - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.monthly - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Vending Offerings from cache D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false [log] onTransition PremiumPurchaseBloc: Transition { currentState: PremiumPurchaseLoading(), event: ProductsRequested(), nextState: PremiumPurchasePopulated([Package(identifier: $rc_monthly, packageType: PackageType.monthly, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.monthly, description: AppName Plus Monthly Subscription, title: AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 37.99, priceString: 37,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering), Package(identifier: $rc_annual, packageType: PackageType.annual, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.annual, description: AppName Plus Annual Subscription, title: AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 314.99, priceString: 314,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering)]) } D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Vending Offerings from cache D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Purchase started - product: com.revenuecat.purchases.models.ProductDetails@46218ad3 - offering: default offering D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Purchasing product: com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false [log] onTransition PremiumPurchaseBloc: Transition { currentState: PremiumPurchasePopulated([Package(identifier: $rc_monthly, packageType: PackageType.monthly, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.monthly, description: AppName Plus Monthly Subscription, title: AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 37.99, priceString: 37,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering), Package(identifier: $rc_annual, packageType: PackageType.annual, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.annual, description: AppName Plus Annual Subscription, title: AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 314.99, priceString: 314,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering)]), event: ProductPurchaseStarted(Package(identifier: $rc_annual, packageType: PackageType.annual, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.annual, description: AppName Plus Annual Subscription, title: AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 314.99, priceString: 314,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering)), nextState: PremiumPurchaseInProgress(Package(identifier: $rc_annual, packageType: PackageType.annual, product: Product(identifier: com.example.package.annual, description: AppName Plus Annual Subscription, title: AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging), price: 314.99, priceString: 314,99 zł, currencyCode: PLN, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: 0,00 zł, period: P1W, cycles: 1, introPricePeriodUnit: DAY, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null), offeringIdentifier: default offering)) } W/BillingHelper(20303): Couldn't find purchase lists, trying to find single data. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ BillingWrapper purchases updated: skus: [com.example.package.annual], orderId: GPA.3376-8939-2635-83883, purchaseToken: elfpacjiebcoacmbhoddjofh.AO-J1OxPVGJwOY5Omyma_o6-wjZBpPHsUMGEltrxxQHsDFl7WWJNbaVY0MnDUC-pZRJtVy9_wgyLO3SeWMam1gg_k3RvNHGf_Q W/[Purchases] - WARN(20303): 🤖‼️ There's more than one sku in the PurchaseHistoryRecord, but only one will be used. W/[Purchases] - WARN(20303): 🤖‼️ There's more than one sku in the PurchaseHistoryRecord, but only one will be used. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Requesting products from the store with identifiers: com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Products request finished for com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Retrieved skuDetailsList: SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LJ8gL21wA3vKIjDhqHqqdsXEUn6jt5fGmpT7KSEqRhsg5p4eNkacqU5hnf-ngx"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.annual - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LJ8gL21wA3vKIjDhqHqqdsXEUn6jt5fGmpT7KSEqRhsg5p4eNkacqU5hnf-ngx"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Found 0 unsynced attributes for App User ID: 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Debug logging enabled D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ SDK Version - 4.6.1 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Initial App User ID - 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 👤 Identifying App User ID: 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Deleting old synced subscriber attributes that don't belong to 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ App foregrounded D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo cache is stale, updating from network in foreground. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Offerings cache is stale, updating from network in foreground D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 😻 Offerings updated from network. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Skipping updating pending purchase queue since BillingClient is not connected yet. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ No subscriber attributes to synchronize. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Listener set D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Sending latest PurchaserInfo to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Starting connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Ending connection for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Vending PurchaserInfo from cache. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Checking if cache is stale AppInBackground false D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Billing Service Setup finished for D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Updating pending purchase queue D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/66 304 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo updated, sending to listener. D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: POST /receipts D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: POST /receipts 200 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Acknowledging purchase with token elfpacjiebcoacmbhoddjofh.AO-J1OxPVGJwOY5Omyma_o6-wjZBpPHsUMGEltrxxQHsDFl7WWJNbaVY0MnDUC-pZRJtVy9_wgyLO3SeWMam1gg_k3RvNHGf_Q D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/66/offerings D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/66/offerings 304 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Requesting products from the store with identifiers: com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Querying purchases D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Purchase of type SUBS with hash OkLDY6Jk1yUro1wb2PTYgIp3AxI= D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Cleaning previously sent tokens D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Products request finished for com.example.package.monthly, com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Saving tokens [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Retrieved skuDetailsList: SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"}, SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.annual - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4IkKGXtioEy_6Ltu4McQDMRXSfgn6CuYC91EnzkUQBP-MCa5JpTuHmwCnTZlsnb"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Requesting products from the store with identifiers: com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.monthly - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.monthly","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Monthly (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Monthly","description":"AppName Plus Monthly Subscription","price":"37,99 zł","price_amount_micros":37990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1M","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LgeqFt_0aBewz7ftxi0PSCompanyNameXordLdpd_lIZ15VrWnzXReGdbg5fgSn8vJNK9c8"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Products request finished for com.example.package.annual D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Retrieved skuDetailsList: SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LJ8gL21wA3vKIjDhqHqqdsXEUn6jt5fGmpT7KSEqRhsg5p4eNkacqU5hnf-ngx"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 com.example.package.annual - SkuDetails: {"productId":"com.example.package.annual","type":"subs","title":"AppName Plus Annual (CompanyName AppName Staging)","name":"AppName Plus Annual","description":"AppName Plus Annual Subscription","price":"314,99 zł","price_amount_micros":314990000,"price_currency_code":"PLN","subscriptionPeriod":"P1Y","freeTrialPeriod":"P1W","skuDetailsToken":"AEuhp4LJ8gL21wA3vKIjDhqHqqdsXEUn6jt5fGmpT7KSEqRhsg5p4eNkacqU5hnf-ngx"} D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Found 0 unsynced attributes for App User ID: 66 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request started: POST /receipts D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ API request completed with status: POST /receipts 200 D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): 💰 Acknowledging purchase with token elfpacjiebcoacmbhoddjofh.AO-J1OxPVGJwOY5Omyma_o6-wjZBpPHsUMGEltrxxQHsDFl7WWJNbaVY0MnDUC-pZRJtVy9_wgyLO3SeWMam1gg_k3RvNHGf_Q D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ PurchaserInfo updated, sending to listener. [log] onTransition PremiumStatusBloc: Transition { currentState: PremiumStatusAvailable(PremiumSubscription(PremiumSubscriptionStatus.disabled, null, [], null)), event: PremiumStatusUpdated(PremiumSubscription(PremiumSubscriptionStatus.enabled, PremiumSubscriptionPeriod.annual, [analyzer, premium-content], 2022-05-10 12:04:52.000Z)), nextState: PremiumStatusAvailable(PremiumSubscription(PremiumSubscriptionStatus.enabled, PremiumSubscriptionPeriod.annual, [analyzer, premium-content], 2022-05-10 12:04:52.000Z)) } D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Saving token elfpacjiebcoacmbhoddjofh.AO-J1OxPVGJwOY5Omyma_o6-wjZBpPHsUMGEltrxxQHsDFl7WWJNbaVY0MnDUC-pZRJtVy9_wgyLO3SeWMam1gg_k3RvNHGf_Q with hash OkLDY6Jk1yUro1wb2PTYgIp3AxI= D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens already posted: [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Tokens in cache before saving [] D/[Purchases] - DEBUG(20303): ℹ️ Saving tokens [OkLDY6Jk1yUro1wb2PTYgIp3AxI=]


**Additional context**

Logs were cleaned from the app-specific details
joshdholtz commented 2 years ago

@orestesgaolin Hey! 👋 Thanks for reporting! I will attempt to reproduce this myself today and let you know what I find 😊

joshdholtz commented 2 years ago

@orestesgaolin I looked into this and I was not able to replicate it at all. Ran our example Magic Weather app in this repo and the PurchaserInfo purchaserInfo = await Purchases.purchasePackage(package); waited for the operation to be done and then return the purchaser info object. I put a bunch of print statements before and after this and printed the purchaser info object out to and everything was as expected.

Would you be able to paste a code example about how you are calling this method so I can see if maybe there is something with that that I can use to try and replicate better? 🤔


orestesgaolin commented 2 years ago

Hey there, I still encounter the issue, but I was unable to reproduce on clean sample. I will try to find another way to show repro steps in upcoming days :tm:

t-kietzmann commented 2 years ago

I had the same issue on iOS while testing with the Sandbox account. After a few times purchasing a subscription the "Sandbox AppStore" forced me to validate my Sandbox E-Mail Address and a 2FA Phone-Number. After this the function returns.

minhdanh commented 2 years ago

Is this a duplicate of

vegaro commented 2 years ago

I am going to close it in favor of #431 since it has been more active in that other issue