Revertron / Alfis

Alternative Free Identity System
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
284 stars 28 forks source link

Help screen is confusing. #330

Open zander opened 1 year ago

zander commented 1 year ago
  1. The help screen explains that the user should edit the "alfis.toml".
    Yet, the default systemd file has ExecStart=/usr/bin/alfis -n -c /etc/alfis.conf not a toml file, but a conf file.

  2. The "Generate a keypair" line claims you need to use the "Manage keys part"
    the UI doesn't call it that, the name of the tab is "Credentials".

  3. The next line states "Go to Mine domain part".
    Again, this is not what the UI has as text. Its either "Domains" or the button "New domain".