Revertron / Alfis

Alternative Free Identity System
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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forwarders doesn't seem to accept basic ipv6 address #333

Open zander opened 1 year ago

zander commented 1 year ago

In the config file of alfis I had a line like:

forwarders = ["2a01:4f8:171:c9a::5"]

this did not cause any error, but it also did not manage to actually work. (please note that my example above is not the actual IP address of my ISP).

I expected:

What happened instead:

alfis logs stated;

Failed to resolve AAAA Client(Io(Custom { kind: Uncategorized, error: "failed to lookup address information: Name or service not known" }))

Only after updating the config file to add square braces around the address and add a port number did this start to work.

Revertron commented 1 year ago

You need to set ports for addresses, so the correct format for IPv6 is ["[IPv6]:port"].

zander commented 1 year ago

I know, the bugreport stated that I figured out the way to make it work.

The bugreport is that the normal expected way doesn't work.

Feel free to make this a feature request if you think its not a bug.