Revertron / Alfis

Alternative Free Identity System
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Can't update NS records #362

Open d47081 opened 5 months ago

d47081 commented 5 months ago

I have existing user and domain, after changing the server, I can't update NS records with error:

Waiting for last full block to be signed. Try again later.

How long to wait? I'm waiting all the day even mining not started yet

d47081 commented 5 months ago

The blockchain still at 11434 block, maybe something went wrong with the network?

exepirit commented 5 months ago

Alfis version - 0.8.4 Platform - Linux amd64

I have same issue here. Local copy of the blockchain is stuck on 11434 and does not changing after synchronization. Any changes in the domain or creating new one follows error "Waiting for last full block to be signed. Try again later."

Alfis reporting about 15 active nodes in clearnet and Yggdrasil network. Here is part of the Alfis log:

21:15:06.616 [INFO ] (6) alfis::p2p::network: Active nodes: 15, banned: 0, blocks: 11401, domains: 904, keys: 410
21:15:07.271 [INFO ] (6) alfis::p2p::network: Active nodes: 15, banned: 0, blocks: 11416, domains: 904, keys: 410
21:15:07.900 [INFO ] (6) alfis::p2p::network: Active nodes: 15, banned: 0, blocks: 11431, domains: 906, keys: 410
21:15:08.523 [INFO ] (6) alfis::p2p::network: Active nodes: 15, banned: 0, blocks: 11434, domains: 906, keys: 410
21:15:16.663 [INFO ] (5) alfis::blockchain::chain: Signing block must be mined by other nodes
21:15:46.663 [INFO ] (5) alfis::blockchain::chain: Signing block must be mined by other nodes
21:16:16.663 [INFO ] (5) alfis::blockchain::chain: Signing block must be mined by other nodes
21:16:46.663 [INFO ] (5) alfis::blockchain::chain: Signing block must be mined by other nodes
21:17:16.663 [INFO ] (5) alfis::blockchain::chain: Signing block must be mined by other nodes
21:17:41.960 [INFO ] (1) alfis::web_ui: Waiting for last full block to be signed. Try again later.
21:17:46.664 [INFO ] (5) alfis::blockchain::chain: Signing block must be mined by other nodes
exepirit commented 5 months ago

Delete blockchain.db and re-sync the blockchain does not solve the problem. "Waiting for last full block to be signed" error still persists.

But something changes after 30 minutes and Alfis synchronizes the last block 11435 from the network and everything started working.

00:48:19.143 [INFO ] (5) alfis::blockchain::chain: Signing block must be mined by other nodes
00:48:49.143 [INFO ] (5) alfis::blockchain::chain: Signing block must be mined by other nodes
00:49:14.721 [INFO ] (6) alfis::p2p::network: Peer is higher, requesting block 11435 from
00:49:15.239 [INFO ] (6) alfis::p2p::network: Active nodes: 15, banned: 0, blocks: 11435, domains: 906, keys: 410

This block appeared on other node, on which the file blockchain.db was not deleted. It may be a internal Alfis blockchain issue, or my network problems, which disappeared after the time.

d47081 commented 5 months ago

Just re-opened the wallet and yep, it's work with block update to 11437

pretty strange, @Revertron's account not available on mastodon, no idea but thanks @exepirit

exepirit commented 5 months ago

@d47081, if you encounter the sync problem again, please collect more debugging information. This may be needed for mitigate the problem in Alfis. Debug messages can be achieved by passing --debug parameter to alfis binary in any mode (GUI or console).

d47081 commented 5 months ago

I've launched Alfis with cargo / build from sources, and have same log, but without last lines - it repeated only this one:

00:48:49.143 [INFO ] (5) alfis::blockchain::chain: Signing block must be mined by other nodes

p.s. the IP in your log is my public node address in Latvia (with opened ports to support alfis network), I have just launched it few days before and forgot to check there, hm strange..

d47081 commented 5 months ago

@exepirit how do you reindex blockchain?

can't find the docs, tried to delete ~/.local/share/alfis

it's not works again, hell.

exepirit commented 5 months ago

@d47081, I just deleted a blockchain.db file and restart Alfis. In my case it was in directory with alfis binary.

In Debian installation it could be in /var/lib/alfis directory. Anyway you can use find / -name "blockchain.db" to find the database file and delete it manually. Before that you must stop your Alfis instance of course.

d47081 commented 5 months ago

Thanks, just forgot to check my custom directory with sources/build - it's there.

@revertron said just this on matrix channel: We are waiting for signers to sign last block.

I don't know how to understand - maybe that's PoS model or so.

d47081 commented 5 months ago

I've even tried to mine new key - it works, but no success with NS yet

blade10101 commented 5 months ago

I have existing user and domain, after changing the server, I can't update NS records with error:

Waiting for last full block to be signed. Try again later.

How long to wait? I'm waiting all the day even mining not started yet

I had the same issue when trying to register more than one domain. It had to wait for the current block to be finished before I could make another request. After a while I was able to use alfis again.