ReviewNB / support

Issues and feature requests for ReviewNB
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Latex is not rendered in markdown cells #36

Closed suzil closed 5 years ago

suzil commented 5 years ago

ReviewNB rendering: Screenshot_2019-07-10 https app reviewnb com

Local rendering: Screenshot_2019-07-10 1_BoW_text_classification


Markdown code:

## Model Definition

Layer 1 affine: $$x_1 = W_1 X + b_1$$
Layer 1 activation: $$h_1 = \textrm{Relu}(x_1)$$
Layer 2 affine: $$x_2 = W_2 h_1 + b_2$$
output: $$p = \sigma(x_2)$$
Loss: $$L = −(ylog(p)+(1−y)log(1−p))$$
$$\frac{\partial }{\partial W_1}L(W_1, b_1, W_2, b_2) = \frac{\partial L}{\partial p}\frac{\partial p}{\partial x_2}\frac{\partial x_2}{\partial h_1}\frac{\partial h_1}{\partial x_1}\frac{\partial x_1}{\partial W_1}$$

Parameter update:
$$W_1 = W_1 - \alpha \frac{\partial L}{\partial W_1}$$
amit1rrr commented 5 years ago

@suzil Thank you for reporting. I looked at it and seems like there's a MathJax rendering issue when there are multiple displayMath formulas in a single markdown cell.

I am building a fix for it right now. Should be out in a day or so. I will keep you posted here.

amit1rrr commented 5 years ago

@suzil This is now fixed. Please let me know if you see any issues. Thanks again :)

Screenshot 2019-07-11 at 9 54 45 PM

suzil commented 5 years ago

Amazing!! Thanks for the support.