Revivius / nb-darcula

Darcula LAF for NetBeans
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Provide darker icons for breadcrumb separator #47

Closed markiewb closed 8 years ago

markiewb commented 8 years ago


granella commented 8 years ago

separator image is hardcoded in "private dependency"

package org.netbeans.modules.editor.breadcrumbs;

public class BreadCrumbComponent<T extends JLabel&Renderer> 
                    extends JComponent implements PropertyChangeListener {

    private final Image SEPARATOR = ImageUtilities.loadImage("org/netbeans/modules/editor/breadcrumbs/resources/separator.png");


It's possible? with reflection?

Saljack commented 8 years ago

I think this lighter icons looks better than darker. It is hard to see this delimiter from Idea.

Revivius commented 8 years ago

I agree that current icons are easier to recognize and therefore would like to close this issue.

markiewb commented 8 years ago

That's OK for me not to change it.