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Issue with make.input.format for mapreduce #230

Open devpog opened 8 years ago

devpog commented 8 years ago

Hi there!

I'm fairly new to Hadoop and RHadoop especially. Trying to write a mapreduce function that gets input from HBase (localhost pseudo cluster). Running into a following error:


[root@localhost thrift_test]# ./thrift_test.R Loading required package: rhbase Loading required package: methods Loading required package: rhdfs Loading required package: rJava


Be sure to run hdfs.init() Loading required package: rmr2 Please review your hadoop settings. See help(hadoop.settings) 16/01/13 10:33:29 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable Error: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable Execution halted

Here is the R code:

!/usr/bin/env Rscript

Sys.setenv(HADOOP_CMD="/home/hadoop/hadoop/bin/hadoop") Sys.setenv(HADOOP_STREAMING="/home/hadoop/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-2.6.2.jar")

require(rhbase) require(rhdfs) require(rmr2)


input_format <- make.input.format( format = "hbase", family.columns = list(data = list("execution_id", "automaton_id")), key.deserialize = "raw", cell.deserialize = "raw" )

from.dfs( mapreduce( input = "client1:executions", input.format = input_format, map = function(k, v){v}, verbose = TRUE ) )

Would love to find out what am I doing wrong.

Thank you in advance!