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Update registration.js to use schoolOther field #139

Closed noahbass closed 6 years ago

noahbass commented 6 years ago

To be used for

In the event that a students' school is not listed, the checkbox named 'schoolOther' is passed to the api with value on. If the checkbox isn't switched on, then it's passed with value off (also, interestingly, if the checkbox is never toggled, a value is never sent).

This way, we know if the user entered in a school that wasn't listed.

I messed up the first time so you'll probably want to squash this before merge 😄

domfarolino commented 6 years ago

Not sure exactly why this is necessary. The point of the list of schools is to help normalize schools like "University of Cincinnati", "UC", "U.C.", etc. If their school isn't listed, do we need to know about this? We'll certainly never need to know, and is communicating this to MLH necessary?

kurtlewis commented 6 years ago

@domfarolino The problem is that people are emailing us wondering what to do if their school isn't listed. I agree that that's the point of the list, but we can't wait for MLH to merge every school we don't have listed so that people can register. So by marking when their school isn't listed, it gives us the chance to manually normalize it on false negatives

domfarolino commented 6 years ago

The frontend change makes sense to me, aimed at letting schools outside of the list be selected, but with this change here, we're saying that we're going to take the "other" schools, and normalize them ourselves before giving them to MLH?

For example, if 2 people pic My University, but person a types "My Univ." and person b types "my univerSITY", we will turn both of these into "My University" (manual normalization) before giving data to MLH?

kurtlewis commented 6 years ago

Well my understanding of this change is that all it does is mark that its an external school with a boolean field, right? I haven't admittedly looked at the code. That gives us the choice to normalize if we want to, or the choice to balk and not worry about it otherwise.

If we did normalize, we'd do what you suggest, and then probably add those schools to the MLH list. It just isn't acceptable that so many people aren't able to register because the MLH list is incomplete.

domfarolino commented 6 years ago

I agree, the frontend change is completely necessary. I just want to make sure we know that this boolean is only helpful if we plan to normalize afterwards, which I'm not opposed to doing.


I was just wondering if manual normalization is necessary/something we want to do

kurtlewis commented 6 years ago

Agreed. I'd rather have the information and not use it, then have to do something more complicated in the event we decide (or MLH requires us) to normalize.