RexOps / rex-jobcontrol

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Formular checkbox behaves like radiobutton #11

Open AndySilvia opened 9 years ago

AndySilvia commented 9 years ago


I made a little test-task/-formular to test the different field types and there I fell over a strange thing:


Task-excerpt: my $fcmdb = get cmdb "testform"; my $feld4 = $fcmdb->{Feld4}; say "Feld4: "; say Dumper($feld4);

Problem: If I don't check a value, $feld4 is correctly undef, If I check first value feld4 is correctly "Check1", if I check second value feld4 is correctly "Check2", but if I check both values, feld4 is "Check1" too...


Checked first value: Feld4: $VAR1 = 'Check1';

Checked second value: Feld4: $VAR1 = 'Check2';

Checked none: Feld4: $VAR1 = undef;

Checked both: Feld4: $VAR1 = 'Check1';

Even if I make say Dumper($fcmdb);

It logs: $VAR1 = { 'Feld4' => 'Check1' };

Am I doing something wrong or is there some kind of failure?

Thanks for clarification in advance!

