we followed the instruction and recompiled the tool. Sadly it did not work. We get the following error message:
".../Plugins/MirrorAnimationSystem/Source/MirrorAnimationSystemDev/Private/MASFunctionLibrary.cpp(504): warning C4996: 'USkeleton::GetBoneTree': GetBoneTree should not be called. Please use GetBoneTranslationRetargetingMode()/SetBoneTranslationRetargetingMode() functions instead Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile."
we followed the instruction and recompiled the tool. Sadly it did not work. We get the following error message:
".../Plugins/MirrorAnimationSystem/Source/MirrorAnimationSystemDev/Private/MASFunctionLibrary.cpp(504): warning C4996: 'USkeleton::GetBoneTree': GetBoneTree should not be called. Please use GetBoneTranslationRetargetingMode()/SetBoneTranslationRetargetingMode() functions instead Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile."
greets Spaehling