RexxLA / NetRexx

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Rexx Date preferred over Java Date and not intended #35

Closed rvjansen closed 1 year ago

rvjansen commented 2 years ago

Ran into another problem (a NetRexx program that would use in the past). Here a stripped down version of the problem:

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Date

timeStamp = SimpleDateFormat("").format(Date()) say "timeStamp:" timeStamp The JavaDocs 8 for SimpleDateFormat (which is a subclass of DateFormat): Here the signatures of the available format methods in SimpleDateFormat and DateFormat:

StringBuffer SimpleDateFormat.format(Date date, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos) String DateFormat.format(Date date) abstract DateFormat.format(Date date, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition fieldPosition) StringBuffer DateFormat.format(Object obj, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition fieldPosition) Clearly DateFormat.format(Date date) should be picked.

Here the runtime error when interpreting:

F:\work\svn\bsf4oorexx\trunk\samples\NetRexx\javax.script>nrc -exec test2.nrx java -cp "F:\work\svn\bsf4oorexx\trunk;.;C:\Program Files\BSF4ooRexx\bsf4ooRexx-v641-20220808-bin.jar;C:\Program Files\BSF4ooRexx\jni4net .j-;C:\Program Files\BSF4ooRexx\;.;E:\java\scriptJars\NetRexx\403\lib*;;E:\java\scriptJars\NetRexx\403\lib\NetR exxF.jar;." -Dnrx.compiler=ecj org.netrexx.process.NetRexxC -exec test2.nrx NetRexx portable processor 4.03-GA build 260-20220503-1730 Copyright (c) RexxLA, 2011,2022. All rights reserved. Parts Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 1995,2008. Program test2.nrx ===== Exec: test2 ===== ===== Exception running class test2: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot format given Object as a Date ===== --- in test2.main(String[]) [test2.nrx:5] 5 +++ timeStamp = SimpleDateFormat("").format(Date()) +++ ^^^^^^ Processing of 'test2.nrx' complete However, compiling that NetRexx program works:

F:\work\svn\bsf4oorexx\trunk\samples\NetRexx\javax.script>nrc test2.nrx java -cp "F:\work\svn\bsf4oorexx\trunk;.;C:\Program Files\BSF4ooRexx\bsf4ooRexx-v641-20220808-bin.jar;C:\Program Files\BSF4ooRexx\jni4net .j-;C:\Program Files\BSF4ooRexx\;.;E:\java\scriptJars\NetRexx\403\lib*;;E:\java\scriptJars\NetRexx\403\lib\NetR exxF.jar;." -Dnrx.compiler=ecj org.netrexx.process.NetRexxC test2.nrx NetRexx portable processor 4.03-GA build 260-20220503-1730 Copyright (c) RexxLA, 2011,2022. All rights reserved. Parts Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 1995,2008. Program test2.nrx Compilation of 'test2.nrx' successful Running the class file with Java creates an exception:

F:\work\svn\bsf4oorexx\trunk\samples\NetRexx\javax.script>java test2 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot format given Object as a Date at java.text.DateFormat.format( at java.text.Format.format( at test2.main( Doing a javap -v -l on the NetRexx produced class file yields:

Classfile /F:/work/svn/bsf4oorexx/trunk/samples/NetRexx/javax.script/test2.class Last modified 08.08.2022; size 942 bytes MD5 checksum 599c340ea77ea0570397dd3540bfe73b Compiled from "" public class test2 minor version: 0 major version: 51 flags: ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_SUPER Constant pool:

1 = Class #2 // test2

2 = Utf8 test2

3 = Class #4 // java/lang/Object

4 = Utf8 java/lang/Object

5 = Utf8 $01

6 = Utf8 Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;

7 = Utf8 $0

8 = Utf8 Ljava/lang/String;

9 = Utf8 ConstantValue

10 = String #11 // test2.nrx

11 = Utf8 test2.nrx

12 = Utf8

13 = Utf8 ()V

14 = Utf8 Code

15 = String #16 // timeStamp:

16 = Utf8 timeStamp:

17 = Methodref #18.#20 // netrexx/lang/Rexx.toRexx:(Ljava/lang/String;)Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;

18 = Class #19 // netrexx/lang/Rexx

19 = Utf8 netrexx/lang/Rexx

20 = NameAndType #21:#22 // toRexx:(Ljava/lang/String;)Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;

21 = Utf8 toRexx

22 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;

23 = Fieldref #1.#24 // test2.$01:Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;

24 = NameAndType #5:#6 // $01:Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;

25 = Utf8 LineNumberTable

26 = Utf8 main

27 = Utf8 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V

28 = Class #29 // java/text/SimpleDateFormat

29 = Utf8 java/text/SimpleDateFormat

30 = String #31 //

31 = Utf8

32 = Methodref #28.#33 // java/text/SimpleDateFormat."":(Ljava/lang/String;)V

33 = NameAndType #34:#35 // "":(Ljava/lang/String;)V

34 = Utf8

35 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/String;)V

36 = Methodref #37.#39 // netrexx/lang/RexxDate.Date:()Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;

37 = Class #38 // netrexx/lang/RexxDate

38 = Utf8 netrexx/lang/RexxDate

39 = NameAndType #40:#41 // Date:()Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;

40 = Utf8 Date

41 = Utf8 ()Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;

42 = Methodref #28.#43 // java/text/SimpleDateFormat.format:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;

43 = NameAndType #44:#45 // format:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;

44 = Utf8 format

45 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;

46 = Methodref #18.#47 // netrexx/lang/Rexx.OpCcblank:(Lnetrexx/lang/RexxSet;Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;)Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;

47 = NameAndType #48:#49 // OpCcblank:(Lnetrexx/lang/RexxSet;Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;)Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;

48 = Utf8 OpCcblank

49 = Utf8 (Lnetrexx/lang/RexxSet;Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;)Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;

50 = Methodref #51.#53 // netrexx/lang/RexxIO.Say:(Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;)Z

51 = Class #52 // netrexx/lang/RexxIO

52 = Utf8 netrexx/lang/RexxIO

53 = NameAndType #54:#55 // Say:(Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;)Z

54 = Utf8 Say

55 = Utf8 (Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;)Z

56 = Methodref #3.#57 // java/lang/Object."":()V

57 = NameAndType #34:#13 // "":()V

58 = Utf8 SourceFile

59 = Utf8

{ static {}; descriptor: ()V flags: ACC_STATIC Code: stack=1, locals=0, args_size=0 0: ldc #15 // String timeStamp: 2: invokestatic #17 // Method netrexx/lang/Rexx.toRexx:(Ljava/lang/String;)Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx; 5: putstatic #23 // Field $01:Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx; 8: return LineNumberTable: line 5: 0

public static void main(java.lang.String[]); descriptor: ([Ljava/lang/String;)V flags: ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC Code: stack=3, locals=2, args_size=1 0: new #28 // class java/text/SimpleDateFormat 3: dup 4: ldc #30 // String 6: invokespecial #32 // Method java/text/SimpleDateFormat."":(Ljava/lang/String;)V 9: invokestatic #36 // Method netrexx/lang/RexxDate.Date:()Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx; 12: invokevirtual #42 // Method java/text/SimpleDateFormat.format:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String; 15: astore_1 16: getstatic #23 // Field $01:Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx; 19: aconst_null 20: aload_1 21: invokestatic #17 // Method netrexx/lang/Rexx.toRexx:(Ljava/lang/String;)Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx; 24: invokevirtual #46 // Method netrexx/lang/Rexx.OpCcblank:(Lnetrexx/lang/RexxSet;Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;)Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx; 27: invokestatic #50 // Method netrexx/lang/RexxIO.Say:(Lnetrexx/lang/Rexx;)Z 30: pop 31: return LineNumberTable: line 6: 0 } SourceFile: ""

So "java.util.Date" is not in the class file, instead RexxDate gets used.

Changing the program to:

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Date

timeStamp = SimpleDateFormat("").format(java.util.Date()) say "timeStamp:" timeStamp makes it work (also running the class file with Java works then, ie. "java test2").

Again, in the past the latter "fix" was not necessary.

Also a successful compilation should not occur (using "javac 1.8.0_333" in this case) as the generated program cannot possibly run as a RexxDate cannot be casted to a java.util.Date which is needed as the argument type in the DateFormat.format(Date).


Jlevens commented 2 years ago

This affects Qtime.nrx shipped with Netrexx


rvjansen commented 2 years ago

we might need to backpedal on automatically include this - and some other things - in scripting mode

rvjansen commented 1 year ago

now after consultation of the list - is implemented to be the standard choice. Breakage can be avoided with a -noimplicituses option. (Implemented by Marc Remes and included in 4.05)

rvjansen commented 1 year ago

issue resolved