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UnicodeDemo.nrx: the emoji escape code is incorrect #62

Open jlfaucher opened 2 weeks ago

jlfaucher commented 2 weeks ago

Change to apply in UnicodeDemo.nrx to have the emoji correctly displayed:

  method emoji()
    -- say 'emoji: \u1F600'
    say 'emoji: \uD83D\uDE00' -- 😀 U+1F600    UTF-16: 0xD83D 0xDE00

Tested under macOS Ventura nrc -exec UnicodeDemo.nrx

Tested under Windows 11

nrc -utf8 UnicodeDemo.nrx
chcp 65001
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8 UnicodeDemo