Title: As a developer, I want to identify the limitations and drawbacks of the robot Pepper for informative purposes.
I will research and summarize the known limitations and drawbacks of the robot Pepper, focusing on both hardware and software aspects, in a concise document. For this we will also be asking the 5CHIF and the 5AHIF for the issues they have encountered up to now.
Definition of Done (DoD):
The user story is considered "Done" when a brief document outlining the robot Pepper's limitations is created and reviewed for accuracy.
Title: As a developer, I want to identify the limitations and drawbacks of the robot Pepper for informative purposes.
Story: I will research and summarize the known limitations and drawbacks of the robot Pepper, focusing on both hardware and software aspects, in a concise document. For this we will also be asking the 5CHIF and the 5AHIF for the issues they have encountered up to now.
Definition of Done (DoD): The user story is considered "Done" when a brief document outlining the robot Pepper's limitations is created and reviewed for accuracy.