Rezmason / Scourge

A Haxe-based adaptation of the classic Mac game, Fungus.
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 2 forks source link

How to use? #1

Open BGMcoder opened 6 years ago

BGMcoder commented 6 years ago

Salve! I loved the old Fungus game and wish I could play it on my pc. How can I use this game and play it??? I even have a thread about it over at DonationCoder.

Rezmason commented 6 years ago

Hi there! Sadly, I'm still not done with this project, even though I've had seven years to do it.

There's a Flash-based demo, but it only works locallyโ€“ players take turns at the same keyboard and mouse, and there are no computer opponents.

You can change the number of players, time limit, and board shape by changing the URL. See:

But I want to finish this project, because I want Fungus to be playable again just as much as you. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

BGMcoder commented 6 years ago

Hey, thanks for letting me play the demo! Looks real neat. I tried it out - you know, I miss the little mushroom faces and the chomping noises. Too bad it's flash though, eh? The idea of swaps is nice - that seems like a new addition. Any thoughts of doing this project in html & javascript? html5 has a lot of animation techniques, and combined with jquery, I'm sure it's doable.

Rezmason commented 6 years ago

Glad you asked! The code is Haxe, which compiles to all kinds of targets. I'm using it to build HTML5 and Mac/Win versions. You can see the WebGL version here:

If you click "begin", type " ` ", and enter "play playerPattern hbhb" (as in, "human bot human bot"), there's a barely playable board made out of text.

And I intend for it to look more like this:

It just hasn't been my top priority. When I have the time, I'm going to re-scope the remaining work to getting a simple playable version out the door, but I have no ETA. ๐Ÿ˜…

BGMcoder commented 6 years ago

the second one - first image - looks like 3D. 3D fungus? haha! The first one looks strange, though. I think I kind of prefer the traditional look. But that's impressive still. I tried to start this project in autohotkey, but got hung up on lack of time to research what was necessary.

BGMcoder commented 6 years ago

With this one: I don't see any difference between round=true or round=false. Are those all the options? I like this game. Although, once I played it and it froze up my browser (Waterfox on Windows) for awhile.

Rezmason commented 6 years ago

My mistake, try "circular" instead of "round". There's also "defaultGrid", which helped test certain cases:

This is only a prototype, from 2010 in fact, so there may be bugs. The new game code is more robust, but I got carried away with its interface.

BGMcoder commented 6 years ago

This is so fun! I love this! You know, I remade this game as an actual board game with custom cards and special rules; I have a lot of ideas for intensifying Fungus. I called my game "Fungus Attack" however. It uses dice, but the premise is the same.

So, I guess if you use the defaultGrid parameter, it only works for 4 players. What are the keyboard commands? Is there a list anywhere of all these secrets? Can I help, somehow?

Rezmason commented 6 years ago password: septica

I'm having another go at a simpler implementation, this time piggybacking on browser tech. My friends at Hundred Rabbits have demonstrated the practicality of building stuff quickly in JavaScript, and wrapping it in Electron or Expo. I'll implement the bare minimum, make sure it's mobile friendly, and make the project public.

Then you can contribute, easily, if you'd like. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ