RfastOfficial / Rfast

A collection of Rfast functions for data analysis. Note 1: The vast majority of the functions accept matrices only, not data.frames. Note 2: Do not have matrices or vectors with have missing data (i.e NAs). We do no check about them and C++ internally transforms them into zeros (0), so you may get wrong results. Note 3: In general, make sure you give the correct input, in order to get the correct output. We do no checks and this is one of the many reasons we are fast.
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Setting the seed in knn.cv #56

Closed merolagio closed 2 years ago

merolagio commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the great package.

I would like to be able to set the seed in knn.cv.

I modified the generateFolds() function changing at line 6

set.seed(1234) to set.seed(seed)

This assumes that seed can either be logical or numeric (if seed = TRUE -> set.seed(1)) and it works like a charm.

I hope this feature can be added in the next release

Many thanks

statlink commented 2 years ago

I fixed it Merolagio.

You will see this in the next update.

merolagio commented 2 years ago

great, thanks