RfidResearchGroup / ChameleonMini

The ChameleonMini is a versatile contactless smartcard emulator compliant to NFC. The ChameleonMini was first developed by KAOS. This is NOT the official repo for KAOS's ChameleonMini. For further information see the Getting Started Page
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Error when flashing Chameleon-RevG.hex #60

Open hugomon opened 3 years ago

hugomon commented 3 years ago

I have downloaded the latest hex and eep files, dated February 2021. The device is the chameleon tiny revG. I try the programming from windows 10 x64:

>**dfu-programmer.exe atxmega128a4u erase** Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x1DFFF... Not blank at 0x1. Erasing flash... Success Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x1DFFF... Empty.

>**dfu-programmer.exe atxmega128a4u flash-eeprom Chameleon-RevG.eep --force** 0% 100% Programming 0x80 bytes... [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success 0% 100% Reading 0x800 bytes... [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success Validating... Success 0x80 bytes written into 0x800 bytes memory (6.25%).

Here comes the error: >**dfu-programmer.exe atxmega128a4u flash Chameleon-RevG.hex** Bootloader and code overlap. Use --suppress-bootloader-mem to ignore

If I use --suppress-bootloader-mem it's flashed.

>**dfu-programmer.exe atxmega128a4u flash Chameleon-RevG.hex --suppress-bootloader-mem** Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x1DFFF... Empty. 0% 100% Programming 0x1E000 bytes... [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success 0% 100% Reading 0x1E000 bytes... [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success Validating... Success 0x1E000 bytes written into 0x1E000 bytes memory (100.00%).

Is it correct to do it this way? If not, what is the correct way to do it?