RfidResearchGroup / ChameleonUltra

The new generation chameleon based on NRF52840 makes the performance of card emulation more stable. And gave the chameleon the ability to read, write, and decrypt cards.
GNU General Public License v3.0
783 stars 137 forks source link

My equipment is not working for some reason #195

Closed xie19960101 closed 3 weeks ago

xie19960101 commented 6 months ago

![Uploading IMG_8451.jp



SomeBoneHead commented 6 months ago

I'm not part of the project but rather an end user like you, that said.

Most people here would be happy to help you but since you haven't listed any troubleshooting you have done or if it just stoped working, if it never worked, if something happened before it stopped working, if it never worked where you got it from, ECT.

We'd need information to help you.

panayotoff commented 4 months ago

Does it work when plugged to USB? I have Devboard that's working only when plugged to the USB. The battery is OK, power is going in through the terminals ( I even purchased same brand new battery - no luck ).

Try plugging it into USB and see if it works this way.

xie19960101 commented 2 months ago


xie19960101 commented 2 months ago

I haven't used it since it broke. Today I tried my Ultra to Lite with my computer,Unable to enter debug mode, unable to brush firmware

xie19960101 commented 2 months ago




I have not been to the forum for a long time and I am very sorry for not replying to you in time. I will explain the problem below

xie19960101 commented 2 months ago

插入 USB 时可以工作吗?我有Devboard,它只有在插入USB时才能工作。电池没问题,电源通过端子进入(我什至购买了相同的全新电池 - 没有运气)。

尝试将其插入 USB,看看它是否以这种方式工作。 The USB module responds after being inserted, but cannot be used

unknown10777 commented 2 months ago

你貌似把 Lite 固件刷到了 Ultra 硬件里,你可以尝试遵循以下文档来进入 DFU 刷入最新的 Ultra 固件。

You seems have flashed a Lite firmware to Ultra hardware.


You can try follow this document and flash a latest Ultra firmware.

xie19960101 commented 2 months ago

你貌似把 Lite 固件刷到了 Ultra 硬件里,你可以尝试遵循以下文档来进入 DFU 刷入最新的 Ultra 固件。

您似乎已将 Lite 固件刷新到 Ultra 硬件。


您可以尝试按照本文档刷新最新的 Ultra 固件。

I'm sorry, I've read the documentation carefully and watched many tutorials, but I still don't understand how to use DFU

xie19960101 commented 2 months ago

Uploading cb23e46ff1afbb562ef795cf4f193ce5.mp4…

unknown10777 commented 2 months ago

第一步,把你的网页翻译关掉; 第二步,等设备灯灭后按住B键插入电脑,期间等待15秒不要松手。三秒内设备会闪烁两个绿色灯; 第三步,下载并安装 nRFUtil 工具; 第四步,按 win+x 选择 Powershell 管理员; 第五步,输入 cd ‘C:\’ 并回车,注意区分半角和全角; 第六步,输入 nrfutil install device 回车; 第七步,下载 ultra-dfu-app.zip 并放到C盘根目录; 第八步,输入 nrfutil device program --firmware ultra-dfu-app.zip --traits nordicDfu并回车,设备会闪烁两个蓝色灯,稍等片刻灯会停止闪烁并且全灭。拔下USB线,同时按下AB键即可唤醒;

xie19960101 commented 2 months ago

~第一步,把你的网页翻译关掉;~ 第二步,等设备灯灭后按住B键插入电脑,期间等待15秒不要松手。三秒内设备会闪烁两个绿色灯; 第三步,下载并安装 nRFUtil 工具; 第四步,按 win+x 选择 Powershell 管理员; 第五步,输入 并回车,注意区分半角和全角; 第六步,输入 回车; 第七步,下载 ultra-dfu-app.zip 并放到C盘根目录; 第八步,输入 并回车,设备会闪烁两个蓝色灯,稍等片刻灯会停止闪烁并且全灭。拔下USB线,同时按下AB键即可唤醒;cd ‘C:\’``nrfutil install device``nrfutil device program --firmware ultra-dfu-app.zip --traits nordicDfu

