RfidResearchGroup / homebrew-proxmark3

Homebrew tap containing proxmark3 software/firmware
MIT License
44 stars 19 forks source link

No stable releases available #11

Closed victorhooi closed 4 years ago

victorhooi commented 4 years ago

I just tried to compile a stable release of proxmark, and it says this isn't available:

bash-3.2$ brew tap RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 5 taps (homebrew/cask-versions, homebrew/core, homebrew/cask, homebrew/cask-fonts and homebrew/cask-drivers).
==> New Formulae
bingrep                                 cups                                    helm@2                                  node@12                                 trader                                  virustotal-cli
==> Updated Formulae
giflib ✔                bro                     console_bridge          fzf                     helmfile                libming                 minica                  perl-build              ssldump                 tunnel
git ✔                   broot                   consul-template         gatsby-cli              imagemagick@6           libphonenumber          n                       pnpm                    starship                um
imagemagick ✔           buildkit                convox                  gdal                    ispc                    libressl                nghttp2                 prestodb                stress-ng               vamp-plugin-sdk
leptonica ✔             caddy                   deno                    git-annex               istioctl                libxml2                 ngt                     prestosql               sxiv                    vault
aliyun-cli              caf                     docker                  gitfs                   janet                   libxslt                 node                    pulumi                  syncthing               vips
ampl-mp                 catch2                  docker-completion       gitleaks                joplin                  mapserver               ocrmypdf                qemu                    taskell                 vtk
angular-cli             cfn-lint                dvc                     glooctl                 kubernetes-cli          mariadb                 openapi-generator       remind                  terragrunt              wp-cli
apache-arrow            cfssl                   ethereum                gmime                   kubeseal                mariadb-connector-odbc  openimageio             screenfetch             terrahub                xplanet
aws-cdk                 chamber                 exploitdb               gomplate                lazydocker              mariadb@10.1            paket                   sonobuoy                tflint                  zint
aws-okta                cheat                   fibjs                   goofys                  lazygit                 mariadb@10.2            pdf2htmlex              sparkey                 tnef
awscli                  chromaprint             fontforge               goreleaser              libcapn                 mariadb@10.3            percona-server          sratom                  traefik
blast                   clac                    freerdp                 handbrake               libevhtp                mercurial               percona-xtrabackup      ssh-audit               triton
==> Renamed Formulae
kubernetes-helm -> helm
==> Deleted Formulae
cockroach                                       erlang@17                                       hana                                            llvm@4                                          riak

==> Tapping rfidresearchgroup/proxmark3
Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/rfidresearchgroup/homebrew-proxmark3'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 8, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Total 8 (delta 0), reused 2 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (8/8), done.
env variable TRAVIS_COMMIT: ``
Tapped 2 formulae (37 files, 33.7KB).
bash-3.2$ brew install proxmark3
env variable TRAVIS_COMMIT: ``
Error: rfidresearchgroup/proxmark3/proxmark3 is a head-only formula
Install with `brew install --HEAD rfidresearchgroup/proxmark3/proxmark3`

Is this expected behaviour?

Should the README be amended to remove the mention of stable?

doegox commented 4 years ago

No, instructions are clear. You try first stable, if it fails (which is the case for now), you execute the next command with --HEAD.