Closed lsylx closed 3 years ago
which version of clang ? can you compile with make V=1 and share the log ?
which version of clang ? can you compile with make V=1 and share the log ?
Platform name: Proxmark3 RDV4
Platform extras: No extra selected
Standalone mode: HF_MSDSAL
[*] MAKE client/all
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C client all DESTDIR=
Client platform: Darwin
GUI support: QT5 found, enabled ()
native BT support: Bluez not found, disabled
Jansson library: system library not found, using local library
Lua library: system library not found, using local library
Python3 library: Python3 not found, disabled
Readline library: enabled
Whereami library: system library not found, using local library
Lua SWIG: wrapper found
Configured with: --prefix=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
compiler version: Apple clang version 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3)
[*] MAKE deps/amiitool/libamiibo.a
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/amiitool all
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[*] MAKE deps/cliparser/libcliparser.a
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/cliparser all
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[*] MAKE deps/hardnested/libhardnested.a
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/hardnested all
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[*] MAKE deps/liblua/liblua.a for macosx
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/liblua macosx
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make all SYSCFLAGS="-DLUA_USE_MACOSX"
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[*] MAKE deps/jansson/libjansson.a
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/jansson all
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[*] MAKE obj/libmbedtls.a
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ../common/mbedtls OBJDIR=../../client/obj BINDIR=../../client/obj all
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[*] MAKE deps/reveng/libreveng.a
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/reveng all
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[*] MAKE deps/tinycbor/tinycbor.a
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/tinycbor all
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[*] MAKE deps/whereami/libwhereami.a
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/whereami all
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[=] LD proxmark3
g++ -framework Foundation -framework AppKit obj/aiddesfire.o obj/aidsearch.o obj/cmdanalyse.o obj/cmdcrc.o obj/cmddata.o obj/cmdflashmem.o obj/cmdflashmemspiffs.o obj/cmdhf.o obj/cmdhf14a.o obj/cmdhf14b.o obj/cmdhf15.o obj/cmdhfcryptorf.o obj/cmdhfepa.o obj/cmdhfemrtd.o obj/cmdhffelica.o obj/cmdhffido.o obj/cmdhfcipurse.o obj/cmdhficlass.o obj/cmdhflegic.o obj/cmdhfjooki.o obj/cmdhflist.o obj/cmdhflto.o obj/cmdhfmf.o obj/cmdhfmfdes.o obj/cmdhfmfhard.o obj/cmdhfmfu.o obj/cmdhfmfp.o obj/cmdhfseos.o obj/cmdhfst.o obj/cmdhfst25ta.o obj/cmdhfthinfilm.o obj/cmdhftopaz.o obj/cmdhfwaveshare.o obj/cmdhw.o obj/cmdlf.o obj/cmdlfawid.o obj/cmdlfcotag.o obj/cmdlfdestron.o obj/cmdlfem.o obj/cmdlfem410x.o obj/cmdlfem4x05.o obj/cmdlfem4x50.o obj/cmdlfem4x70.o obj/cmdlffdxb.o obj/cmdlfguard.o obj/cmdlfgallagher.o obj/cmdlfhid.o obj/cmdlfhitag.o obj/cmdlfidteck.o obj/cmdlfindala.o obj/cmdlfio.o obj/cmdlfjablotron.o obj/cmdlfkeri.o obj/cmdlfmotorola.o obj/cmdlfnedap.o obj/cmdlfnexwatch.o obj/cmdlfnoralsy.o obj/cmdlfpac.o obj/cmdlfparadox.o obj/cmdlfpcf7931.o obj/cmdlfpresco.o obj/cmdlfpyramid.o obj/cmdlfsecurakey.o obj/cmdlft55xx.o obj/cmdlfti.o obj/cmdlfviking.o obj/cmdlfvisa2000.o obj/cmdmain.o obj/cmdnfc.o obj/cmdparser.o obj/cmdscript.o obj/cmdsmartcard.o obj/cmdtrace.o obj/cmdusart.o obj/cmdwiegand.o obj/comms.o obj/crypto/asn1dump.o obj/crypto/asn1utils.o obj/crypto/libpcrypto.o obj/emv/cmdemv.o obj/emv/crypto.o obj/emv/crypto_polarssl.o obj/emv/dol.o obj/emv/emv_pk.o obj/emv/emv_pki.o obj/emv/emv_pki_priv.o obj/emv/emv_roca.o obj/emv/emv_tags.o obj/emv/emvcore.o obj/emv/emvjson.o obj/emv/tlv.o obj/emv/test/crypto_test.o obj/emv/test/cryptotest.o obj/emv/test/cda_test.o obj/emv/test/dda_test.o obj/emv/test/sda_test.o obj/fido/additional_ca.o obj/fido/cose.o obj/fido/cbortools.o obj/fido/fidocore.o obj/cipurse/cipursecore.o obj/cipurse/cipursecrypto.o obj/cipurse/cipursetest.o obj/fileutils.o obj/flash.o obj/generator.o obj/graph.o obj/jansson_path.o obj/iso7816/apduinfo.o obj/iso7816/iso7816core.o obj/loclass/cipher.o obj/loclass/cipherutils.o obj/loclass/elite_crack.o obj/loclass/ikeys.o obj/mifare/desfire_crypto.o obj/mifare/desfirecrypto.o obj/mifare/desfirecore.o obj/mifare/desfiresecurechan.o obj/mifare/desfiretest.o obj/mifare/mad.o obj/mifare/mfkey.o obj/mifare/mifare4.o obj/mifare/mifaredefault.o obj/mifare/mifarehost.o obj/nfc/ndef.o obj/pm3.o obj/pm3_binlib.o obj/pm3_bitlib.o obj/preferences.o obj/prng.o obj/proxmark3.o obj/scandir.o obj/uart/uart_posix.o obj/uart/uart_win32.o obj/scripting.o obj/tea.o obj/ui.o obj/util.o obj/version_pm3.o obj/wiegand_formats.o obj/wiegand_formatutils.o obj/bucketsort.o obj/cardhelper.o obj/crapto1/crapto1.o obj/crapto1/crypto1.o obj/crc.o obj/crc16.o obj/crc32.o obj/crc64.o obj/commonutil.o obj/iso15693tools.o obj/legic_prng.o obj/lfdemod.o obj/parity.o obj/util_posix.o obj/pm3_luawrap.o obj/proxgui.o obj/proxguiqt.o obj/proxguiqt.moc.o obj/util_darwin.o ./deps/amiitool/libamiibo.a ./deps/cliparser/libcliparser.a ./deps/hardnested/libhardnested.a ./deps/liblua/liblua.a ./deps/jansson/libjansson.a obj/libmbedtls.a ./deps/reveng/libreveng.a ./deps/tinycbor/tinycbor.a ./deps/whereami/libwhereami.a -L/opt/homebrew/lib -lbz2 -lm -lpthread -F/opt/homebrew/Cellar/qt@5/5.15.2/lib -framework QtWidgets -F/opt/homebrew/Cellar/qt@5/5.15.2/lib -framework QtGui -F/opt/homebrew/Cellar/qt@5/5.15.2/lib -framework QtCore -L/opt/homebrew/opt/readline/lib -lreadline -o proxmark3
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E9C2 (_mfu_ident_table + 258 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E9BA (_mfu_ident_table + 250 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E9B2 (_mfu_ident_table + 242 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E99A (_mfu_ident_table + 218 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E95E (_mfu_ident_table + 158 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E956 (_mfu_ident_table + 150 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E94E (_mfu_ident_table + 142 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E946 (_mfu_ident_table + 134 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E93E (_mfu_ident_table + 126 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E936 (_mfu_ident_table + 118 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E8FA (_mfu_ident_table + 58 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E8F2 (_mfu_ident_table + 50 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E8EA (_mfu_ident_table + 42 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E8E2 (_mfu_ident_table + 34 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E8DA (_mfu_ident_table + 26 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E8D2 (_mfu_ident_table + 18 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o)
ld: unaligned pointer(s) for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[1]: *** [proxmark3] Error 1
make: *** [client/all] Error 2
Hmm ok clang13. I tried clang13 on my Debian, I pushed 2 fixes unrelated but I don't get this linker error, still investigating...
You didn't compile the latest proxmark3 code, which commit was it? The latest release ? Please try the latest commit.
You didn't compile the latest proxmark3 code, which commit was it? The latest release ? Please try the latest commit.
=================================================================== Platform name: Proxmark3 RDV4 PLATFORM: PM3RDV4 PLATFORM_FPGA: xc2s30 PLATFORM_SIZE: 512 Platform extras: No extra selected Included options: SMARTCARD FLASH -DRDV4 LF HITAG EM4x50 EM4x70 ISO15693 LEGICRF ISO14443b ISO14443a ICLASS FELICA NFCBARCODE HFSNIFF HFPLOT Standalone mode: HF_MSDSAL =================================================================== [*] MAKE client/all /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C client all DESTDIR= =================================================================== Client platform: Darwin GUI support: QT5 found, enabled () native BT support: Bluez not found, disabled Jansson library: system library not found, using local library Lua library: system library not found, using local library Python3 library: Python3 not found, disabled Readline library: enabled Whereami library: system library not found, using local library Lua SWIG: wrapper found Configured with: --prefix=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1 compiler version: Apple clang version 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3) =================================================================== [*] MAKE deps/amiitool/libamiibo.a /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/amiitool all make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. [*] MAKE deps/cliparser/libcliparser.a /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/cliparser all PLATFORM Darwin make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. [*] MAKE deps/hardnested/libhardnested.a /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/hardnested all make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. [*] MAKE deps/liblua/liblua.a for macosx /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/liblua macosx /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make all SYSCFLAGS="-DLUA_USE_MACOSX" make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'. [*] MAKE deps/jansson/libjansson.a /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/jansson all make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. [*] MAKE obj/libmbedtls.a /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ../common/mbedtls OBJDIR=../../client/obj/mbedtls BINDIR=../../client/obj all make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. [*] MAKE deps/reveng/libreveng.a /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/reveng all make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. [*] MAKE deps/tinycbor/tinycbor.a /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/tinycbor all make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. [*] MAKE deps/whereami/libwhereami.a /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory -C ./deps/whereami all make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. [=] LD proxmark3 g++ -framework Foundation -framework AppKit obj/mifare/aiddesfire.o obj/aidsearch.o obj/cmdanalyse.o obj/cmdcrc.o obj/cmddata.o obj/cmdflashmem.o obj/cmdflashmemspiffs.o obj/cmdhf.o obj/cmdhf14a.o obj/cmdhf14b.o obj/cmdhf15.o obj/cmdhfcryptorf.o obj/cmdhfepa.o obj/cmdhfemrtd.o obj/cmdhffelica.o obj/cmdhffido.o obj/cmdhfcipurse.o obj/cmdhficlass.o obj/cmdhflegic.o obj/cmdhfjooki.o obj/cmdhflist.o obj/cmdhflto.o obj/cmdhfmf.o obj/cmdhfmfdes.o obj/cmdhfmfhard.o obj/cmdhfmfu.o obj/cmdhfmfp.o obj/cmdhfseos.o obj/cmdhfst.o obj/cmdhfst25ta.o obj/cmdhfthinfilm.o obj/cmdhftopaz.o obj/cmdhfwaveshare.o obj/cmdhw.o obj/cmdlf.o obj/cmdlfawid.o obj/cmdlfcotag.o obj/cmdlfdestron.o obj/cmdlfem.o obj/cmdlfem410x.o obj/cmdlfem4x05.o obj/cmdlfem4x50.o obj/cmdlfem4x70.o obj/cmdlffdxb.o obj/cmdlfguard.o obj/cmdlfgallagher.o obj/cmdlfhid.o obj/cmdlfhitag.o obj/cmdlfidteck.o obj/cmdlfindala.o obj/cmdlfio.o obj/cmdlfjablotron.o obj/cmdlfkeri.o obj/cmdlfmotorola.o obj/cmdlfnedap.o obj/cmdlfnexwatch.o obj/cmdlfnoralsy.o obj/cmdlfpac.o obj/cmdlfparadox.o obj/cmdlfpcf7931.o obj/cmdlfpresco.o obj/cmdlfpyramid.o obj/cmdlfsecurakey.o obj/cmdlft55xx.o obj/cmdlfti.o obj/cmdlfviking.o obj/cmdlfvisa2000.o obj/cmdmain.o obj/cmdnfc.o obj/cmdparser.o obj/cmdscript.o obj/cmdsmartcard.o obj/cmdtrace.o obj/cmdusart.o obj/cmdwiegand.o obj/comms.o obj/crypto/asn1dump.o obj/crypto/asn1utils.o obj/crypto/libpcrypto.o obj/emv/cmdemv.o obj/emv/crypto.o obj/emv/crypto_polarssl.o obj/emv/dol.o obj/emv/emv_pk.o obj/emv/emv_pki.o obj/emv/emv_pki_priv.o obj/emv/emv_roca.o obj/emv/emv_tags.o obj/emv/emvcore.o obj/emv/emvjson.o obj/emv/tlv.o obj/emv/test/crypto_test.o obj/emv/test/cryptotest.o obj/emv/test/cda_test.o obj/emv/test/dda_test.o obj/emv/test/sda_test.o obj/fido/additional_ca.o obj/fido/cose.o obj/fido/cbortools.o obj/fido/fidocore.o obj/cipurse/cipursecore.o obj/cipurse/cipursecrypto.o obj/cipurse/cipursetest.o obj/fileutils.o obj/flash.o obj/generator.o obj/graph.o obj/jansson_path.o obj/iso7816/apduinfo.o obj/iso7816/iso7816core.o obj/loclass/cipher.o obj/loclass/cipherutils.o obj/loclass/elite_crack.o obj/loclass/ikeys.o obj/mifare/lrpcrypto.o obj/mifare/desfirecrypto.o obj/mifare/desfirecore.o obj/mifare/desfiresecurechan.o obj/mifare/desfiretest.o obj/mifare/mad.o obj/mifare/mfkey.o obj/mifare/mifare4.o obj/mifare/mifaredefault.o obj/mifare/mifarehost.o obj/nfc/ndef.o obj/pm3.o obj/pm3_binlib.o obj/pm3_bitlib.o obj/preferences.o obj/prng.o obj/proxmark3.o obj/scandir.o obj/uart/uart_posix.o obj/uart/uart_win32.o obj/scripting.o obj/tea.o obj/ui.o obj/util.o obj/version_pm3.o obj/wiegand_formats.o obj/wiegand_formatutils.o obj/bucketsort.o obj/cardhelper.o obj/crapto1/crapto1.o obj/crapto1/crypto1.o obj/crc.o obj/crc16.o obj/crc32.o obj/crc64.o obj/commonutil.o obj/iso15693tools.o obj/legic_prng.o obj/lfdemod.o obj/parity.o obj/util_posix.o obj/pm3_luawrap.o obj/proxgui.o obj/proxguiqt.o obj/proxguiqt.moc.o obj/util_darwin.o ./deps/amiitool/libamiibo.a ./deps/cliparser/libcliparser.a ./deps/hardnested/libhardnested.a ./deps/liblua/liblua.a ./deps/jansson/libjansson.a obj/libmbedtls.a ./deps/reveng/libreveng.a ./deps/tinycbor/tinycbor.a ./deps/whereami/libwhereami.a -L/opt/homebrew/lib -lbz2 -lm -lpthread -F/opt/homebrew/Cellar/qt@5/5.15.2/lib -framework QtWidgets -F/opt/homebrew/Cellar/qt@5/5.15.2/lib -framework QtGui -F/opt/homebrew/Cellar/qt@5/5.15.2/lib -framework QtCore -L/opt/homebrew/opt/readline/lib -lreadline -o proxmark3 ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x1002669FA (_mfu_ident_table + 258 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x1002669F2 (_mfu_ident_table + 250 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x1002669EA (_mfu_ident_table + 242 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x1002669D2 (_mfu_ident_table + 218 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x100266996 (_mfu_ident_table + 158 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10026698E (_mfu_ident_table + 150 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x100266986 (_mfu_ident_table + 142 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10026697E (_mfu_ident_table + 134 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x100266976 (_mfu_ident_table + 126 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10026696E (_mfu_ident_table + 118 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x100266932 (_mfu_ident_table + 58 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10026692A (_mfu_ident_table + 50 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x100266922 (_mfu_ident_table + 42 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10026691A (_mfu_ident_table + 34 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x100266912 (_mfu_ident_table + 26 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10026690A (_mfu_ident_table + 18 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: unaligned pointer(s) for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) make[1]: *** [proxmark3] Error 1 make: *** [client/all] Error 2
This one is the latest proxmark3 code
The problem still exists.
please try again, I pushed a fix
please try again, I pushed a fix
Problem fixed. Compiled successfully
great, thanks for your cooperation
I'm trying to fix an error in a totally different project, but with the same title "ld: unaligned pointer(s) for architecture arm64".
To make it easier to find what has fixed this error it would be helpful to mention the commit that fixed it. It looks like these commits are the ones fixing the error:
ba7f1b93b986a6b1c975258977209d2869bbdaf9 2b3cd6e604f821b7f7a5696e081456ace019ab70
Compilation still doesn't work on macOS Monterey with M1 Macs – unfortunately the Homebrew tap also seems broken.
CLANG 13... seems to be annoyed with the OPENSSL , readline, cbor , QT... did you setup the devenv correct?
I installed the dependencies as outlined here – however I worked around this by using the brew tap
, which somehow failed due to an M1-specific OS upgrade error that's solved after rebooting.
I tried everything but i'm still unable to compile on OSX M1 getting ld: unaligned pointer(s) for architecture arm64
Compilation problems ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E9C2 (_mfu_ident_table + 258 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E9BA (_mfu_ident_table + 250 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E9B2 (_mfu_ident_table + 242 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E99A (_mfu_ident_table + 218 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E95E (_mfu_ident_table + 158 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E956 (_mfu_ident_table + 150 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E94E (_mfu_ident_table + 142 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E946 (_mfu_ident_table + 134 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E93E (_mfu_ident_table + 126 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E936 (_mfu_ident_table + 118 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E8FA (_mfu_ident_table + 58 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E8F2 (_mfu_ident_table + 50 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E8EA (_mfu_ident_table + 42 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E8E2 (_mfu_ident_table + 34 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E8DA (_mfu_ident_table + 26 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10025E8D2 (_mfu_ident_table + 18 from obj/cmdhfmfu.o) ld: unaligned pointer(s) for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) make[1]: [proxmark3] Error 1 make: [client/all] Error 2
Describe the bug When I tried to build this on my Mac I got errors like this above I don't know what happened and how to fix this problem All things works fine on macOS 11 but it didn't work on macOS 12
Additional info Device: M1 MacBook Pro