RfidResearchGroup / proxmark3

Iceman Fork - Proxmark3
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.65k stars 981 forks source link

[RELEASE v4.14831] Checklist #1541

Closed iceman1001 closed 2 years ago

iceman1001 commented 2 years ago


See below for new checklist v4.14831

doegox commented 2 years ago

currently broken in Proxspace

iceman1001 commented 2 years ago


doegox commented 2 years ago

Ran compilations and tests from script above on all Docker images, except for Hitag2crack tests. If you have a setup for GPU, please go ahead.

iceman1001 commented 2 years ago

I can build and run ht2crack5opencl.exe with success. I can only do this on Proxspace since I don't have a genuine linux (not a virtual one) WSL1 still don't have access to GPU and WSL2 doesn't have access to serial port yet.

However I can't build all hitag2 tools on Proxspace. I think we had this issues before too.

Sidenote: The prebuild binaries from proxmarkbuilds, doesn't include any of the tools from the tools folder. @Gator96100

Gator96100 commented 2 years ago

I am aware that the precompiled builds don’t bundle the tools. This was done so save space on my Google Drive, now that the builds are hosted on aws I could add them.

The hitag2 tools do need some porting to work on mingw, however if there is a need to run them on Windows Cygwin might work. I didn’t test it, but Cygwin might be able to compile them on Windows without any changes.

s00se commented 2 years ago

Termux builds fine

linuxgemini commented 2 years ago

Builds fine on macOS 12.1 with MacPorts with following Portfile locked to the commit 85def31a8d678a4bf3ff45746d754a38dcc128e9

# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim: fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           github 1.0
PortGroup           qt5 1.0

name                proxmark3-iceman
version             4.14610

github.setup        RfidResearchGroup proxmark3 85def31a8d678a4bf3ff45746d754a38dcc128e9
github.tarball_from archive
checksums           sha256  b2f03298571b9be1a2d3898d0e9f115aa18eab5cae8a82ac2e405e364b721d74 \
                    rmd160  fc2488ffb2382ecf87f1cdeccb0e5db184249c0f \
                    size    24758655

revision            0
license             GPL-2
categories          science comms
platforms           darwin

description         RRG/Iceman version of proxmark3 RFID Instrument Client/FW

long_description    ${description}. By default, the repository is built for PM3RDV4. \
                    To build for older hardware releases, please install the package \
                    with the \"pm3generic\" variant.

maintainers         {@linuxgemini linuxgemini.space:proxmark3packaging} openmaintainer

depends_lib-append  port:readline \
                    port:jansson \
                    port:lua52 \
                    port:python39 \

depends_build-append \
                    port:arm-none-eabi-gcc \

use_configure       no

build.env-append    USE_BREW=0 \
                    USE_MACPORTS=1 \
                    PREFIX=${prefix} \

build.args-append   CC=${configure.cc} \
                    CXX=${configure.cxx} \
                    CPP=${configure.cpp} \

variant pm3generic description {Build firmware for PM3GENERIC instead of PM3RDV4} {
    build.args-append   PLATFORM=PM3GENERIC
    destroot.env-append PLATFORM=PM3GENERIC

# buildsystem quirk: "make install" calls "make all" as well
destroot.args       {*}${build.args}
destroot.env        {*}${build.env}
iceman1001 commented 2 years ago

@linuxgemini are you building both RDV4 / GENERIC?

linuxgemini commented 2 years ago

@linuxgemini are you building both RDV4 / GENERIC?

built both RDV4 and PM3GENERIC

tested client for PM3GENERIC



iceman1001 commented 2 years ago

Alrighty then,
if y'all could do a pull latest and compile on all your different platforms, and test running the stuff you usually do, It would be appreciated.

doegox commented 2 years ago


OS compilation and tests

#!/usr/bin/env bash

make clean && make -j PLATFORM=PM3GENERIC PLATFORM_EXTRAS= && tools/pm3_tests.sh --long || exit 1
make clean && make -j PLATFORM=PM3RDV4 PLATFORM_EXTRAS= || exit 1
make clean && make -j PLATFORM=PM3RDV4 PLATFORM_EXTRAS=BTADDON || exit 1
make -j PLATFORM=PM3RDV4 PLATFORM_EXTRAS=BTADDON && sudo make install PLATFORM=PM3RDV4 PLATFORM_EXTRAS=BTADDON && ( cd /tmp; proxmark3 -c 'data load -f lf_EM4x05.pm3;lf search -1'|grep 'Valid FDX-B ID found' ) && sudo make uninstall || exit 1

( cd client; rm -rf build; mkdir build;cd build;cmake .. && make -j PLATFORM=PM3GENERIC PLATFORM_EXTRAS= && cp -a ../*scripts ../*libs . && ../../tools/pm3_tests.sh --clientbin $(pwd)/proxmark3 client ) || exit 1
( cd client; rm -rf build; mkdir build;cd build;cmake .. && make -j PLATFORM=PM3RDV4  PLATFORM_EXTRAS= ) || exit 1
( cd client; rm -rf build; mkdir build;cd build;cmake .. && make -j PLATFORM=PM3RDV4 PLATFORM_EXTRAS=BTADDON ) || exit 1

# Hitag2crack, optionally with --long and --opencl ...
make hitag2crack/clean && make hitag2crack && tools/pm3_tests.sh hitag2crack || exit 1

creating release

Step Github releases

Step Homebrew updates

Step package maintains

linuxgemini commented 2 years ago

Testing on macOS (x86) with MacPorts:

iceman1001 commented 2 years ago

Nice, but first, The license has now been updated to GPL3+ and its unified across the repository, except for scripts and dependencies.

the all zeros on the static nested seems to have worked or where trying to say it failed? The wrong response length message usually is a indication that you should have more space between tag and reader

linuxgemini commented 2 years ago

Nice, but first, The license has now been updated to GPL3+ and its unified across the repository, except for scripts and dependencies.

the all zeros on the static nested seems to have worked or where trying to say it failed? The wrong response length message usually is a indication that you should have more space between tag and reader

Alright will do that

iceman1001 commented 2 years ago

Thank you everyone, This release is now live.

wh201906 commented 1 year ago

@iceman1001 Hi. I think the title of this issue should be v4.14831 rather than v4.147831. Is this a typo?

doegox commented 1 year ago

indeed, thanks for spotting it @wh201906 !

iceman1001 commented 1 year ago

My bad, Thanks for pointing it out!