User Story
When the user logs in or goes to the user homepage, they should see their basic profile information - profile picture, username, and location.
They should see a list of their plants with basic information on each.
They should see a button to add new plants to their list.
They should see a list of pending trades offers organized by status.
They should see a button to access the trade search page.
They should see a link to edit user details.
They should see a logout button to logout.
Acceptance Criteria
On the user page the following are displayed:
A list of their plants with basic information on each.
A button to add new plants to their list.
A list of pending trades offers organized by status.
A button to access the trade search page.
A link to edit user details.
A logout button to logout.
Tech Notes
Route to home component.
Get requests from firebase for user object and trade objects.
Trade objects filtered by user.
Render navbar component with home route.
User Story When the user logs in or goes to the user homepage, they should see their basic profile information - profile picture, username, and location. They should see a list of their plants with basic information on each. They should see a button to add new plants to their list. They should see a list of pending trades offers organized by status. They should see a button to access the trade search page. They should see a link to edit user details. They should see a logout button to logout.
Acceptance Criteria On the user page the following are displayed: A list of their plants with basic information on each. A button to add new plants to their list. A list of pending trades offers organized by status. A button to access the trade search page. A link to edit user details. A logout button to logout.
Tech Notes Route to home component. Get requests from firebase for user object and trade objects.
Trade objects filtered by user. Render navbar component with home route.