Rfishernc / gardenshare

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Add plants page #7

Open Rfishernc opened 5 years ago

Rfishernc commented 5 years ago

User Story When the user accesses the add new plants page, they should see a search input for plant names. They can use this to select a plant to add, and then input the quantity to add, the estimated surplus quantity, the date planted and the estimated harvest date. When they input all the required information they should be returned to the user home page with a message that their plants have been updated.

Acceptance Criteria Clicking the add new plants link opens the new plants form. Text input is displayed for plant name search. Searching will display a list of plant names containing the input text with each keystroke. Number inputs are displayed for quantity planted and quantity surplus. Date inputs are displayed for date planted and date of harvest. Submitting all information adds the plant with the input information to the user and redirects to home page. Message is displayed that plant has been added. Submitting without information displays an error message.

Tech Details Get request to firebase for plants list object. Matching plants are displayed in popout menu as name is typed. Get request to firebase for user object and then put request to firebase on user object with appended plants.
Form component is rendered as a modal within the home page.

Rfishernc commented 5 years ago
