RhetTbull / RepairPhotosBookmarks

Repair broken bookmarks to referenced files in Apple Photos to fix "Missing file" errors when moving a Photos library to a different disk or machine.
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The photos need to be in the same path? #5

Open tophee opened 1 year ago

tophee commented 1 year ago

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm confused by this statement in the readme file:

the absolute path to the photos must remain the same. For example, if your photos were located on an external drive named "Fotos" and in a folder named "MyFotos" the path would /Volumes/Fotos/MyFotos, the new volume must also be named "Fotos" and the folder must be named "MyFotos".

But isn't the whole point of the script to solve the problem that

If you move the photos to a different volume or computer, even with the same name, Photos will be unable to open the original files and will produce a "Missing file" dialog.

So I must be misunderstanding something when I think: the problem is that Photos no longer sees my files because the path has changed but this can only be fixed if the files are in the same path...

Could you explain what I'm missing?

RhetTbull commented 1 year ago

Hi. As currently implemented, the problem this script tries to solve is moving a Photos library from one computer to another (for example, an external drive) but leaving the photos in the same path. While it might seem intuitive that this would work, it does not, because of the use of security scoped bookmarks by Photos.app and that's what this script tries to solve. Your use case (changing the path) is not handled by this script.

I am working on adding a "repair bookmarks" feature to osxphotos which will handle more use cases such as changing the path.

This script is very basic and was really a proof of concept. The code in osxphotos will be much more robust.

cl3m commented 1 year ago


Any update on this repair bookmarks feature ?

I did manage to run the script repair_photos_bookmarks_dgleich.py with the #6 patch which corrected some photos but some older one have a different path. Is their some replace path function somewhere to try ?

Best regards

RhetTbull commented 1 year ago

Hi. Currently the photos do need to be in the same path. I haven't made much progress on the osxphotos update as I've been working on several other projects. I hope to have some time over Christmas to spend more time on this effort. Thanks for the PR!