RhetTbull / locationator

A simple macOS menubar app that provides access to the macOS Location Services reverse geocoding API via a local web server as well as a command line tool.
MIT License
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Hiding Menubar icon #19

Open precursorca opened 3 weeks ago

precursorca commented 3 weeks ago

Is it possible to hide the menubar icon so that only command line can access the current location?

RhetTbull commented 3 weeks ago

I'm sure it's technically possible (other apps do this) but I don't know if it's possible using the menubar framework I'm using in locationator. The entire reason for building locationator was that command line apps cannot use location services because they cannot request the necessary permissions thus the menubar app does this.

There are third party apps that can hide menubar icons of other apps so that might be a work around.

RhetTbull commented 3 weeks ago

The Hidden Bar app looks like it might be useful. It's open source (MIT License), installable via Mac App Store or brew, and allows you to hide menubar icons. I tested it with locationator and it does appear to work for hiding the icon.