RhetTbull / macnotesapp

Work with Apple MacOS Notes.app from the command line. Also includes python interface for scripting Notes.app from your own python code.
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accountGetAllNotes is far too slow #8

Closed RhetTbull closed 1 year ago

RhetTbull commented 1 year ago

I think it would be much faster to replace current accountGetAllNotes code:

on accountGetAllNotes(accountName)
    (* Get all notes for an account

        accountName: name of account to get notes for

        list of note ids in account
    set allNotes to {}
    tell application "Notes"
        tell account accountName
            repeat with i from 1 to the count of notes
                set noteID to «class seld» of (note i as record)
                copy noteID to end of allNotes
            end repeat
        end tell
    end tell
    return allNotes
end accountGetAllNotes


on accountGetAllNotes(accountName)
    (* Get all notes for an account

        accountName: name of account to get notes for

        list of note ids in account
    set allNotes to {}
    tell application "Notes"
        tell account accountName
            set allNotes to id of notes
        end tell
    end tell
    return allNotes
end accountGetAllNotes