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Edge arrowheads should be hidden when mouse is not over #655

Open clemsos opened 8 years ago

clemsos commented 8 years ago

From W3 spec, SVG markers can not listen to mouse events : ""Event attributes and event listeners attached to the contents of a 'marker' element are not processed; only the rendering aspects of 'marker' elements are processed."

Before having stroke width as an option, the arrow size was linked to stroke width. The hiding / showing of the arrow was sort of a bug (it was hidden when not mouseover because stroke-width was =1) but now we can not do that anymore with bigger stroke width.

We have to come up with another approach to hide arrowheads.

See also #653

Garbash commented 8 years ago

Maybe if we used tapered edges it would be: (a) more esthetic and efficient (b) wouldn't need to hide edges in general. (c) can be of changing width.

Short google search found me this, didn't dig in: http://bl.ocks.org/emeeks/aaa995cde6621745e906 - see comet type