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Handling overlapping views UX #698

Open Garbash opened 8 years ago

Garbash commented 8 years ago

Overlapping views presents a new set of decisions the user needs to take. Here are the events that trigger a decision point:

(1) A node name is modified to have the same name as an existing node. (2) A property within a node that appears in other graphs has been modified. This includes change of the node type.

For trigger event (1) user should be prompted with this pop-up: "Node [node title] already exists in maps [list of map titles it appears in], what would you like to do:" -"Merge with existing node" add text beneath: "This will cause node to inherit data from existing node, overwriting previous information."

If user choses "Merge with existing node": Modified node inherits the properties of the already existing node, overwriting existing data.

If user choses "Create as separate node": The modified node is renamed by adding a "(x+1)" next to it's title where x is the existing number or 0 if no number exists. e.g. Dor Garbash duplicate will be Dor Garbash(1), duplication Dor Garbash(1) would create Dor Garbash(2) etc'.

For trigger event (2) the decision point is: " Node x exists on maps[m1, m2, m3... ], confirm changing property z for this node in all maps?" Buttons: "Yes" "Cancel".