RhoBott / data_at_reed

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content addition: troubleshooting tips #52

Closed shokatl closed 3 years ago

shokatl commented 3 years ago

We all have little tips and tricks for how we troubleshoot code when it isn't doing what we want it to do, maybe we should have a little section with some of these tips? some ideas:

Would love to hear other ideas or whether you all think this is necessary?

zolli22 commented 3 years ago

I love this idea!

on top of checking the class/type of a variable, perhaps the very basics of as.numeric or as.character? things with factors/dates would be more complicated, and in other potential sections on forcats and lubridate.

maybe: a list of go-to things to try if a document isn't knitting? ie:

simonpcouch commented 3 years ago

All for this. :-)

Maybe something about keeping an eye out for NAs? na.rm = TRUE?

joshyam-k commented 3 years ago

If people feel good about this I think we can close this issue!

zolli22 commented 3 years ago

I think it's great!

any last comments/thoughts before we close this @simonpcouch @RhoBott ?

simonpcouch commented 3 years ago

Looks great. :-)