Rhoana / butterfly

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Automatic indexing of experiment folders #10

Closed thejohnhoffer closed 7 years ago

thejohnhoffer commented 7 years ago

usage: bfly [-h] [-e exp] [-n nth] [port]

example usage: bfly -e ~/data/config0133.yaml bfly -e /Volumes/Data/rh_config.yaml bfly -e ~/data/path -n3 bfly 2002 --exp ~/data bfly 2002 bfly

parameter default
exp ~/rh_config
nth 2
port 2001

URL format: http://localhost:**port**/viz.html?datapath=**path**&width=**w**&height=**h**&channel=**channels**

Where channels is a list of layer formats such as:

parameter default
path /data
width 8192
height 8192
channels i