Rhodes-CS-Department / jupyterhub-deployment

Configs and READMEs for Rhodes CS JupyterHub deployment
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Remove old storageclass #58

Open msuperdock opened 10 months ago

msuperdock commented 10 months ago

Today we ran into an issue where students' servers would not spawn due to the fact that "2 default StorageClasses were found." Upon examination I confirmed that this was indeed the case:

$ kubectl get storageclass
premium-rwo              pd.csi.storage.gke.io   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   true                   37d
standard (default)       kubernetes.io/gce-pd    Delete          Immediate              true                   2y245d
standard-rwo (default)   pd.csi.storage.gke.io   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   true                   37d

We have been using the one provisioned by kubernetes.io/gce-pd, but it turns out that one is now deprecated (link). So we made that one no longer default.

The current plan is to wait a few weeks, and then to delete that storageclass. Additionally, it would make sense to delete the storageclass.yaml file from this repository, since it no longer represents the default.

msuperdock commented 10 months ago

Marion's suggestions:

You should add this at line 52: https://github.com/Rhodes-CS-Department/jupyterhub-deployment/blob/main/config/config.yaml

      storageClass: jupyterhub-user-pd

There was no choice before

So we should add that

It’ll be needed anyway if the environment evolves to be used by other classes

Since I imagine we might have different PD stories

If it’s moving to self-hosted, all of this stuff remains since the right way to do this on Rhodes servers will be to run a k8s cluster (for isolation, etc)