RhubarbVR / RhubarbVR_Old

GNU General Public License v3.0
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inspectors #28

Closed jeanahelver closed 3 years ago

jeanahelver commented 3 years ago


Faolan-Rad commented 3 years ago

The plan here is to have a multi-window system where you will have a hierarchy panel and details panel that can snap into each other. This giving you an inspector. This is just to give more flexibility to the user this will allow a user to snap a web browser for info or music to their details and hierarchy panel (inspector).

Reiko9 commented 3 years ago

I visualize this Snapping functionality driven by selecting a Window, then Clicking the Edge of another window, where you want the Top Edge of the grabbed window to Align (Square Corner-Points could indicate a perfectly flush snapping point)

┏━━━━━━━┓..................................┏━━━━━━━┓ (selected).. ┃.window.┃..................................┃.window.┃ ┃..............┃<==click.here.............┃..............┃ ┃......A......┃..................................┃......B.....┃ ┃..............┃..................................┃..............┃ ┗━━━━━━━┛..................................┗━━━━━━━┛

Results: ┏━━━━━━━┓............... ┃.window.┃ ┃..............┃┏━━━━━━━┓ ┃......A......┃┃.window.┃ ┃..............┃┃..............┃ ┗━━━━━━━┛┃......A......┃ ..................┃..............┃ ..................┗━━━━━━━┛

(The Windows could be Scaled by grabbing onto any of the 4 Corners and Click dragging, if the content layout is simple enough, then it could Scale to the Window-size automatically)

Windows touching each other can have their borders corner dots join and click dragging effects are applied to all windows connected to the corner square being click dragged

▇━━━━━━━▇━━━━━━━▇ ┃.window..┃.window..┃ ┃...............┃...............┃ ┃.....A........┃......B......┃ ┃...............┃...............┃ ▇━━━━━━━▇━━━━━━━▇ .................^........ .................| .......(drag up center would result in below results)

▇━━━━━━━▇━━━━━━━▇............... ┃.window..┃.window..┃ ┃......A......┃.......B......┃ ▇━━━━━━━▇━━━━━━━▇

Granted it seems like an obvious toggle option to Join/un-join window tile corners, because in some cases it makes things easier and in some others it may be a limitation

Obviously Dragging up a non-joined edge would have a result somewhat like this:

▇━━━━━━━▇━━━━━━━▇............... ┃.window..┃.window..┃ ┃...............┃............. .┃ ┃......A.......┃.....B.......┃ ┃...............┃..............┃ ▇━━━━━━━▇━━━━━━━▇ .................................^........ .................................| .............(drag up right corner would result in below results)

▇━━━━━━━▇━━━━━━━▇............... ┃.window..┃.window..┃ ┃...............┃......B......┃ ┃.......A.....▇━━━━━━━▇ ┃...............┃.............. ▇━━━━━━━▇

(So Obviously hiding edges and corners is something folks would frequently do to save screen space)

This ASC2 art uses Box-drawing characters and it needs viewed on large enough of a screen (preferably a laptop or desktop)

Faolan-Rad commented 3 years ago

Rhubarbs form of inspectors is in this release https://github.com/RhubarbVR/RhubarbVR/releases/tag/v0.