RhysSullivan / shiptalkers

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feature request: integrate with gitlab #62

Open gabimoncha opened 3 weeks ago

gabimoncha commented 3 weeks ago

this issue is self explanatory Would be cool in order to reduce yap-cook ratio

RhysSullivan commented 3 weeks ago

Will merge if there's a PR

DaveVED commented 3 weeks ago

JFWIW - I did a little looking into this. I was only able to get it working with an API key using the (not great) GitLab API. So it doesn't scrape like the GitHub one, which I assume is not ideal for you. The GitLab calendar only goes back so far.

Unfortunately, GitLab does not provide a page like GitHub's contributions page that can be queried directly for contributions. You can use the GitLab API to fetch contributions data, but it requires an API key. Maybe someone smarter than we can figure it out though.

Here are the relevant resources: