RiFi2k / format-html-in-php

Basically this vscode extension uses all your standard configurations for html formatting, and your standard configurations for format on save, etc. It more or less works exactly how vscode should already work as it pertains to HTML in PHP files.
The Unlicense
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[Question] Is it possible to use it with `Beautify` #24

Closed kanlukasz closed 5 years ago

kanlukasz commented 5 years ago


I have a question because i'm not sure how your add-on work. Is your add-on only used to transfer the formatter functionality to php files?

Is it possible to choose formatter that will format my html in php? I use Beautify by HookyQR to format html files and i would like to use it for mixed html/php files too

RiFi2k commented 5 years ago

Yeah so that would be fine, this plugin only does PHP files and only if you tell it too or you have format on save enabled.