Hey, great website! I'm trying to use it as a template for my new portfolio but I need to use Svelte 5 as many of my libraries no longer support Svelte 4.
I tried using the official migration tool from the Svelte team but it introduced a few annoying bugs which I was unable to resolve, mainly because I'm not good at working on code other people have written.
I could probably help with some parts of the migration.
Hello @hexahigh ,
I am thinking of that too, maybe even rewriting using shadcn-svelte as ui library. Waiting for the framework to stabilize a little bit, as of now i am seeing a lot of releases from them latelty.
Hey, great website! I'm trying to use it as a template for my new portfolio but I need to use Svelte 5 as many of my libraries no longer support Svelte 4. I tried using the official migration tool from the Svelte team but it introduced a few annoying bugs which I was unable to resolve, mainly because I'm not good at working on code other people have written. I could probably help with some parts of the migration.